One of the many oddities of migration policy is that immigrants coming in to work permanently are usually a minority of those who arrive legally. Most (1) countries admit migrants mainly on grounds that have (2) to do with work. They also admit two large groups on grounds that have nothing to do with their skills or education, (3) these characteristics may determine (4) rapidly they integrate.
Almost everywhere, the biggest group (5) relatives of those who have already (6) . In the United States they (7) three-quarters of all legal (8) migrants. America even gives a few visas to (9) adult siblings. In parts of Burope, family reunification has become family formation, (10) sometimes delays integration: for instance, it allows third-generation Pakistanis to seek spouses (11) their cousins back in rural areas. The policy also (12) the characteristics of earlier arrivals.
A. come
B. got to
C. arrived
D. reached
You’ve probably had the experience of
having someone fall in love with you when you didn’t return the feeling. In such
a case it’s hard to know what to do. You want to discourage your admirer. Yet,
you don’t want to be so obvious in your efforts that you make an enemy of
him. A friend of mine had this problem and handled it in the most graceful way I’ve ever seen. Instead of telling the young man that she found it tiresome to have him around so much, she devoted herself to introducing the young man to every girl she knew. Whenever she had a date with him, she arranged for them to drop in one of her girl friends. A few weeks was all it took for him to click (一见如故) with one of these girls, and then everyone was happy. The new girl and the young man got along just fine and both of them were grateful to my friend, which was just A. How to Make a Friend B. Problems of Dating C. Good Advice for Girls D. How to Free Yourself from an Admirer [多项选择]安全带(绳)每次使用前,必须进行外观检查,有下列情况者严禁使用:()
A. 断股、霉变、损伤 B. 铁环有裂纹 C. 挂钩变形 D. 缝线脱开 [单选题]机关单位正职负责人是法定的定密责任人,对机关单位定密工作( )
A.负部分责任 B.负分管部门的定密责任 C.负总责 D.可以不用负责 [多选题]认定火灾原因的基本要求是:( )
A.从实际出发,尊重客观事实 B.抓住火灾本质性问题 C.把握共性与个性的辩证关系 D.分析火灾的因果关系和及火灾发生的必然性与偶然性 [单项选择]《渥太华宣言》中提出健康促进的三个基本策略为()
A. 倡导、赋权与管理 B. 指导、赋权与协调 C. 倡导、控制与管理 D. 指导、控制与协调 E. 倡导、赋权与协调 [单选题]受压构件的支架立柱及桁架的容许长细比应不超过(____)。
A.150$ B.$180$ C.$200$ D.$350 [单项选择]全面预算管理组织体系中,单位党政领导是()。
A. 决策层 B. 参谋层 C. 运作层 D. 实施层 [不定项选择题]咨询方案中需要明确求助者的义务包括()。多选
A.尊重咨询师 B.遵守咨询机构的相关规定 C.执行商定好的咨询方案 D.提供与心理问题有关的真实资料 我来回答: 提交