In the world of climate change, it is
in the Earth’s Cold regions where trends can most easily be seen. The
cryosphere, where water is found in solid form, is among the most sensitive
regions to temperature change. The sensitivity of ice and snow to temperature changes is an early indicator of even relatively small differences, says University of Colorado at Boulder senior researcher Richard Armstrong. He has found that today’s receding and thinning sea ice, mountain glacier mass losses, decreasing snow extent, melting permafrost (永久冻土), and rising sea level are all consistent with warming. Global mean temperatures have risen one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years, with more than half of the increase occurring in the last 25 years, observes Armstrong who is affiliated with the National Snow and Ice Data Center headq A. in the oceans B. in icy and snowy regions C. on high mountains D. in the south hemisphere [多项选择]我国工程造价管理的组织系统包括()。
A. 政府行政管理系统 B. 企事业单位管理系统 C. 行业协会管理系统 D. 专业管理系统 E. 地方民政管理系统 [判断题]尘肺病中得煤肺病的人占的比重最大。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]60kg/m钢轨18号道岔尖轨第一牵引点,采用代号()的S700K型电动转辙机.
A. A13/A14 B. A15/A16 C. A17/A18 D. A33/A34 [判断题]应急照明灯断电后持续工作时间应不少于60分钟。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目前国际上通常将脑水肿划分不包括()
A. 血管源性脑水肿 B. 细胞性脑水肿 C. 渗透压性脑水肿 D. 脑积水性脑水肿 E. 脑肿胀c [多选题]灭火救援业务训练成绩分为( )训练成绩。
A. 单课目 B. 阶段 C. 季度 D. 年度 E. 半年 [单选题]省以下各级税务局设立重大税务案件审理委员会实行()负责制。
A.税务局长 B.稽查局长 C.分管稽查的副局长 D.审理委员会主任 [判断题]单位燃气用户对其从事燃气设施、用气设备操作、运行、维护的作业人员应当进行必要的燃气安全知识和岗位安全操作技能的培训。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列选项中,属于其他货币资金核算范围的是( )。
A. 外埠存款 B. 银行汇票存款 C. 银行本票存款 D. 信用卡存款 E. 备用金 [单选题]律师事务所开立结算账户,存类应为( )
A.社会团体 B.其他组织 C.企业法人 D.非企业法人 [单项选择]
If you’re planning to travel abroad, the most common form is by airplane. Knowing the entire process from buying plane tickets to dealing with in-flight accidents can make certain that you have a pleasant trip. B. Choose a reasonable price. C. Choose a good in-flight service. [单项选择]在进行酸碱类工作的地点,应备有自来水、毛巾、药棉及急救时()用的溶液。
A. 置换 B. 中和 C. 氧化 [单选题]某编组站上行到发场、调车场、下行到发场互相间横向配列,该站图形属于( )。
A.二级三场 B.一级二场 C.一级三场 D.三级三场 我来回答: 提交