Ernest Hemingway was one of the most important American writers in the history of contemporary American literature. He was the (1) spokesperson for the Lost Generation and also the sixth American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature (1954). His writing style and personal life (2) a (3) influence on American writers of his time.
Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in a doctor’s family in Oak Park, in the (4) of Chicago. The novel (5) established Hemingway’s (6) was The Sun Also Rises (1926). The story described a group of (7) Americans and Britons living in France. That is to (8) , it described the life of the members of the (9) Lost Generation after World War I. Hemingway’s second major novel was A Farewell to Arms (1929), a love story (10) in wartime Italy. That novel was (11) by Death in the Afternoon (1932) and Green Hills of AfricaA. portrayed
B. quenched
C. evaluated
D. resolved
After the violent earthquake that shook
Los Angeles in 1994, earthquake scientists had good news to report: the damage
and death toll could have been much worse. More than 60 people died in this earthquake. By comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25, 000 victims. Injuries and deaths were relatively less in Los Angeles because the quake occurred at 4:31 a.m. on a holiday, when traffic was light on the city’s highways. In addition, changes made to the construction codes in Los Angeles during the last 20 years have strengthened the city’s buildings and highways, making them more resistant to quakes. Despite the good news, civil engineers aren’t resting on their successes. Pinned to their drawing boards are blueprints for improved quake-resistant buildings. The new designs should offer even gre A. counterbalance an earthquake’s action on the building B. predict the coming of an earthquake with accuracy C. help strengthen the foundation of the building D. measure the impact of an earthquake’s vibrations [多项选择]1) class Person { 2) public void printValue(int i, int j) {/*…*/ } 3) public void printValue(int i){/*...*/ } 4) } 5) public class Teacher extends Person { 6) public void printValue() {/*...*/ } 7) public void printValue(int i) {/*...*/} 8) public static void main(String args[]){ 9) Person t = new Teacher(); 10) t.printValue(10); 11) } 12) } Which method will the statement on line 10 call?()
A. on line 2 B. on line 3 C. on line 6 D. on line 7 [单选题]以下哪个性质( )不是混凝土的特性。
A.强度高 B.耐火性好 C.干缩性大 D.施工工期短 [单项选择]甲建筑公司承揽的是批准开工报告的工程项目,合同约定于2010年3月1日开工,但是由于征地问题没有解决而不能按期开工,则如果开工日期超过( ),则应当重新办理开工报告的批准手续。
A. 2010年3月15日 B. 2010年6月1日 C. 2010年9月1日 D. 2011年3月1日 [单选题]室外地下消火栓的优点是( )( 中 )
A.不易冻结 B.目标明显 C.易寻找和使用 D.易损坏 [单选题]超声的横向分辨力受多种因素影响,下列不重要的是( )
A.超声波频率 B.声束直径 C.脉冲宽度 D.声场和远近能量分布 E.探头类型和频率 [判断题]设备驱动程序的功能为实现逻辑设备到物理设备的转换。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]. 连接电容器的导线的长期允许电流不应小于电容器额定电流的( )%。
[单项选择]根据我国现行宪法和有关法律规定,下列有关行政区域划分、行政区域边界争议处理的主管部门的表述中,哪一种说法是正确的( )
A. 行政区域边界争议的主管部门无权进行行政区划 B. 有权进行行政区划的部门,也就是行政区域边界争议的主管部门 C. 主管行政区域边界争议的部门,也有权处理行政区划问题 D. 主管行政区域边界争议的部门。也是行政区域边界争议的处理决定机关。 [单选题]NEJ002临床实验中易瑞沙组的PFS是多少:
A.9.5个月 B.10.8个月 C.13.4个月 D.14.3个月 [单选题]内燃机按所用燃料分类有( )汽油机,煤气机和沼气机等。
A.煤油机 B.往复活塞式 C.柴油机 D.旋转活塞式 [单选题]高海拔地区训练应防止( ),保证充足的热量摄入和体液补充,缺氧时及时吸氧。
A.强紫外线 B.呼吸道感染 C.天气严寒 [判断题]"到达理论"强调的是物流在克服空间距离方面发挥的作用,很难反映出物流的真正目的。
[判断题]配网运行与操作仿真能够在不影响系统正常运行的情况下,建立模拟环境,实现配网调度的预操作仿真、运行方式倒换预演、事故反演以及故障恢复预演等功能( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]施工升降机的使用中,吊笼内外都应安装紧急停止开关。
[多选题]电力系统的调峰电源一般是:( )和其它新形式调峰电源。
A.常规水电机组 B.抽水蓄能机组 C.燃气轮机机组 D.核电机组 [单选题]社会道德依靠维护的手段是( )
A.法律手段 B.强制手段 C.舆论与教育手段 D.组织手段 [单项选择]汽车维修行业的工时单价是按照维修企业的()确定的。
A. 维修车辆的多少 B. 企业类别 C. 维修场所的大小 D. 维修实力 [简答题]什么是绿色服装?
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