Real policemen, both Britain and the
United States hardly recognize any resemblance between their lives and what they
see on TV—if they ever get home in time. There are similarities, of course, but
the cops don’t think much of them. The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolves round the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he has to talk to. Little of his time is sp A. exciting and glamorous B. full of danger C. devoted mostly to routine matters D. wasted on unimportant matters [单选题]当验明设备确已无电压后,应立即将检修设备三相短路并( )。
A.放电 B.测量接地电阻 C.接地 [单项选择]下列肠道致病菌在DNA水平与鼠疫耶尔森菌具有高度同源性的是( )
A. 痢疾志贺菌 B. 小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌 C. 假结核耶尔森菌 D. 鼠伤寒沙门菌 E. 霍乱弧菌 [多选题]局《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中要求灭火器压力表朝外,挂具牢固,配备齐全,( ),卡具作用良好。
A.不超压 B.不破封 C.不超有效期 D.无破损 [单选题]军用危险货物运输计划变更应当符合铁路军事运输计划变更有关规定,装载站、卸载站(含加装、分卸站)变更.必须符合车站的营业办理限制规定;品名变更,不得超出(C),同车配装军用危险货物的品名变更还应当符合军用危险货物铁路运输配装的规定。
A.品名 B.品类 C.同一级号 D.同一组号 [单选题]凡在坠落高度基准面()m及以上的高处进行的作业,都应视作高处作业。
A.1.5 B.2 C.2.5 D.3 E.略 F.略 [单选题]( )可分为熔焊、压焊、钎焊三大类。
A.焊接方法 B.气焊 C.电焊 D.熔焊 [单选题]温度越限告警发出后,监控员应记录越限时间及温度值,查看设备负荷情况,并通知()现场检查,判断是否因表计问题误告警,若由于过负荷引起,按变压器过负荷规定处理。
A.A.检修人员 B.B.运维人员 C.C.调控人员 D.D.相关单位人员 [单选题]如果A商品的价格上涨,需求量下降,必然引起B商品的需求量下降则说明AB两种商品是()。(2012年试题)
A.互补商品 B.无关商品 C.无价格弹性商品 D.相互可代替商品 [单选题]近电作业,当作业人员或机械器具与220kV带电设备的最小距离小于( )m风险控制值时,施工项目部应编写安全施工方案,并将安全施工方案提交运维单位备案。
A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11 [单项选择]Which of the following statements is NOT true
A. Ms. Miers has never been a judge before. B. Ms. Miers support abortion. C. Ms. Micra has served as a White House counsel. D. Ms. Miers never worked for the United Nations. [多选题]影响复用段保护倒换的原因的外部原因包括( )。
A.光纤连接错误 B.倒环协议 C.人为插入MS-AIS告警 D.人为插HP-AIS告警 [单选题]判断应综合审定:如无意识,无呼吸,(),面色紫绀或苍白,再加上触不到脉搏,可以判定心跳已经停止;
A.A.不能说话 B.B.听不见说话 C.C.瞳孔放大 D.D.体温低 [单选题]依据《仓库防火安全管理规则》,进入库区的所有机动车辆,必须安装( )。
A.刮雨器 B.防护栏板 C.防火罩 [判断题]机具在运行中不得进行检修或调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]出票人可通过( )办理提示收票申请。
A.企业网上银行 B.银企通互联平台 C.委托银行 D.以上都错误 [填空题] MA5680T风扇框灯为黄色的原因有几个
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交