One day, I happened to (碰巧) talk to a
stranger (陌生人,异乡人) on the bus. When he found (发现,找到,创办)out that I was from
Chicago, he told me that one of his good friends lived there and he wanted to
know if I happened to know him. At first I wanted to say that it was foolish
(愚蠢的,可笑的) to think that I could possibly meet his friend since there were
millions of people in Chicago. But, instead, I just smiled and said that Chicago
was a very big city. He was silent for a few minutes, and then he began to tell
me all about his friend. He told me that his friend was an excellent (优秀的) tennis player (运动员) , and that he even had his own tennis court (网球场). He added that he knew a lot of people with swimming pools, but that he only knew two people in the country had their own tennis courts. And his frien [单选题]釉质无机盐占总量的
A.95% B.96%~97% C.80% D.90% E.99% [单项选择]She was glad of the lake. It’s soft; dark water helped to soothe and quiet her mind. It took her away from the noisy, squawkish world of the cat-walk and let her lie untroubled at its side, listening only to the gentle lapping of its waves, ①
She felt at peace. Alone. Unhindered and free. Free to do nothing but watch and listen and dream. London, Paris, New York—names, only names. Names that had once meant excitement, then boredom, then frustration, then slavery. Names that had brought her to the edge of a breakdown and left her doubting her own sanity. But here everything was at peace. The lake, the trees, the cottage. Here she could stay for the rest of her life. Here she would be happy to die. Across the sun hurried a darkening filter of cloud. The ripples on the water, chased by a freshening wind, pushed their way anxiously from the far side of the lake until they almost bounced at her feet. ~ And in the East there was thunder. Quickly she gather A. Desperate. B. Thin. C. Miserable. D. Conspicuous. [多选题]第 356 题, 本小题 1 分
关于智能站 GOOSE、SV 软压板设置原则,表述正确的是(____) A. 宜简化保护装置之间、保护装置和智能终端之间的 GOOSE 软压板 B. 保护装置应在接收端设置 GOOSE 接收软压板 C. 保护装置应在发送端设置 GOOSE 输出软压板 D. 线路保护及辅助装置不设 GOOSE 接收软压板 [多选题]现场工作开始前,工作负责人应逐条核对所执行的安全措施(如()、()、()和()等),确保符合要求,运行设备和检修设备之间的隔离措施是否正确完备。
A.软硬压板 B.二次熔丝 C.光纤隔离 D.二次空气开关的位置 [简答题]飞行中,将飞行操纵A电门扳到备用方向舵位,将导致:
A. 生理性体重下降最大幅度不超过出生时的10% B. 胎便于24小时内排出 C. 心率较快,每分钟120次~140次 D. 脐带通常在出生后第10天脱落 E. 假月经是因雌激素突然中断 [判断题]造成5人以上8人以下轻伤为A类一般事件
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]个人所得税法中规定不适用附加减除费用的是()。
A. 在我国外商投资企业和外国企业中工作取得工资、薪金所得外方雇员 B. 应聘在我国企事业单位、社会团体、国家机关中工作的外籍专家 C. 在我国的外商投资企业和外国企业中工作取得工资、薪金的中方雇员 D. 华侨和港、澳、台同胞 [判断题]( )桡骨分为一体两端,上端细小称桡骨头,下端内侧面有向上突起的茎突。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]用冷原子荧光法测定水中汞时,在给定的条件下和()的质量浓度范围内,荧光强度与汞的质量浓度成正比。
A. 较低 B. 较高 C. 较宽 [单选题]合格的安全工器具是保障( )安全的必备条件,使用前应认真检查无缺陷,确认试验合格并在试验期内,拒绝使用不合格的安全工器具。
A. B.现场作业 C. D.人身 E. F.设备 [多选题]车道上因为这种情况有争议造成了拥堵,班长应根据现场情况决定( ),以保障车辆快速通行。
A..开启备用车道引导放行后方车辆; B.为避免矛盾升级产生舆情,立即将小向支开,可以先留下司机联系方式,拍好照片和视频,先放行可疑车辆,事后后台稽查,有逃费现象再追缴通行费; C.和小向合力说服司机,据理力争; D.不予理睬,反正不缴费别想下高速; [单选题]《10kV配网不停电作业规范》规定:第一类项目为( )
A.简单绝缘杆作业法项目 B.简单绝缘手套作业法项目。 C.复杂绝缘杆作业法和复杂绝缘手套作业法项目 D.综合不停电作业项目。 [多选题]城乡养老保险缴费人可以通过( )方式进行缴费。
A.银行批扣 B.支付宝 C.银行柜台 D.税务窗口 [单选题]某患者服用碳酸酐酶抑制剂乙酰唑胺后出现尿液NaCl、水、HCO;排出增多以及代谢性酸中毒。分析该患者出现代谢性酸中毒是由于;
A.肾小管H+-Na+交换减弱 B.肾小管K+-Na+交换增强 C.近球小管K+的吸收增加 D.肾小球滤过率降低 E.,肾小管Na+重吸收减少 我来回答: 提交