America’s economic recovery remains
uncomfortably weak. The latest data show industrial production falling while the
trade deficit soars to record levels. To round off a dismal week for economic
statistics, the Fed announced that industrial production fell by 0.2 percent in
December compared with the previous month. That came as a disappointment to
economists who had been expecting a small rise. Monthly data are always
unreliable, of course; there is always a plausible explanation for unexpectedly
bad (or good) news. But nearly all recent economic statistics point to the same
conclusion--that American’s recovery remains sluggish (缓慢的) and erratic (不稳定的).
It could put pressure on the Fed to consider cutting interest rates again when
its policy making committee meets at the end of the month. The biggest obstacle to hea A. It is flourishing. B. It faces an uncertain future. C. It remains depressing. D. It shows unreliable signs. [判断题]由电阻欧姆定律可知,导体的电阻率可表示为:ρ=RS/L 。因此,导体电阻率的大小和导体的长度及横截面积有关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]属于制其质的有( )
A.砂炒龟甲 B.逢子必炒 C.逢子必破 D.醋制延胡索 E.草乌煮至透心 [判断题]社会治安综合治理的实施力量是综合性的。 ( )
[填空题] 双线电化区段,上、下行接触网同时停电进行的接触网作业称之为()。
[单选题]填入下列句子中横线上词语,正确的一组是() ①相关部分多次派人来 公司的财务工作,发现了许多问题。 ②在我结婚的那天,妈妈拿出一个翡翠镯子给我,说那是祖上 下来的。
A.检查 流传 B.检察 流传 C.检查 留传 D.检察 留传 [简答题]压信号调车时,信号楼值班员准备进路、开放信号必须遵循什么顺序和原则?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]引导信号应在()后及时关闭。
A.当机车或车辆第一轮对越过该信号机 B.列车头部越过信号机 C.全部越过该信号机 D.列车进入接车线轨道区段后 [单项选择]用调整水量法测定水泥标准稠度用水量时,以试锥下沉深度()mm时的净浆为标准稠度净浆。
A. 28±1 B. 28±2 C. 28±3 D. 26±2 [单选题]【考核点:97006020205002 题型:单选题 难度:中 类型:专业】
机件上的每一个尺寸一般只标注一次,并应标注在反映结构最清晰的( )上。 A.位置 B.外形 C.图形 D.方位 [判断题]如被讨论转正的预备党员是已延长预备期的而仍不具备党员条件的,应当取消他的预备党员资格,不能再次延长预备期。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]现代物流的管理的目的是()
A. 企业整体最优 B. 单个环节最优 C. 盈利 D. 以上全错 [单项选择]Who Built Giza’s Pyramids(金字塔)
1 For centuries, the pyramids of Giza have been timeless symbols of Egyptian culture. But who actually built them For years, we did not know for sure. But archeologists(考古学家)recently discovered an ancient village near the pyramids. Close by, there was also a cemetery(墓地)where pyramid builders were buried. From studying these places, archeologists can now confirm that the pyramids were not built by slaves or foreigners. Ordinary Egyptians built them.
2 It took about eighty years to build the pyramids. According to archeologists, about 20,000-30,000 people were involved in completing the task. The workers had different roles. Some dug up the rock, some moved it, and some shaped it into blocks. People also worked on different teams, each with its own name. On a wall in Khufu’s Great Pyramid, for example, a group of workers wrote "Friends of Khufu." Teams often competed to do a job faster.
3 Life for these workers was hard. "We can see that in their skelet
[单选题]混合入口车道增加临时车牌颜色输入,可按 键切换中文/字母数字。( )
A.F1 B. F2 C. F3 D.F4 [单选题]液体吸附垫用于( )泄漏的场所进行回收,可快速有效地吸附酸、碱和其他腐蚀性液体。(易)
A.有毒液体 B.有毒气体 C.腐蚀性液体 D.有毒固体颗粒 [单选题]根据美国心理学家罗伯特豪斯的观点,不属于魅力型领导特征的是()。
A.高大英俊 B.共情 C.自信 D.印象管理技能 我来回答: 提交