{{B}}About Gender: Differences{{/B}} It is said that the first thing we ask about a newborn baby is "Is it a boy or a girl " But it might be considered that this is the first thing we ask ourselves whenever we meet anyone new. Perhaps this is why we find it so threatening if the cues are uncertain, and even more so if we find our first assumptions turns out to be incorrect. Men are different from women. That would seem to be self-evident. They are different in ability, skill and behavior, but then, so is every individual person. So why do we make such a fuss about it It seems not unreasonable to suggest that the sexes are different because their brains are different, but then no two human brains are the same It is suggested that our culture is in trouble because many women have been brought up to believe they should be as good as men. Wel A. questioned by the author B. certainly true C. widely denied D. not commented on [单项选择]发展对外贸易的关键是()
A. 扩大出口 B. 扩大进口 C. 引进外资 D. 平衡进出口 [单项选择]两种不同岩性之间的分隔界面称为()。
A. 岩层 B. 岩层面 C. 岩性 D. 岩层线 [多项选择]重整催化剂烧焦时需控制氧含量不能过高的主要原因是()。
A. 防止烧坏设备 B. 防止烧毁重整催化剂 C. 防止压缩机负荷不够 D. 防止烧焦不完全 [单项选择]房地产开发贷款的报审材料除了常规的送审材料外,还需具有一定的自有资金,一般应占项目预算投资的( )以上,并能够在使用贷款之前投入项目建设。
A. 30% B. 40% C. 50% D. 60% [单选题]变电检修管理坚持“安全第一,分级负责,( ),标准作业,修必修好”的原则。
A.全面评价 B.运维到位 C.精益管理 D.应试必试 [单选题]《南昌铁路局关于做好旅客列车车窗玻璃破损应急处置工作的通知》( 南铁辆[2015]129号),列车工作人员要加强车厢巡视,在列车运行途中发现客车车窗(门)玻璃破损后,要立即将发现时间、运行区间、运行方向的左/右侧及破损情况报车辆乘务员(随车机械师)及( )和乘警。
A.列车长 B.值班员 C.行李员 D.客运员 [判断题]通过证券交易所的证券交易,投资者持有或者通过协议、其他安排与他人共同持有一个上市公司已发行的股份达到百分之三十时,继续进行收购的,应当依法向该上市公司所有股东发出收购上市公司全部或者部分股份的要约,但是经国务院证券监督管理机构免除发出要约的除外。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交