Moviegoers may think history is
repeating itself this weekend. The summer’s most anticipated film, Pearl Harbor,
which has opened recently, painstakingly recreates the Japanese attack that drew
the United States into World War II. But that isn’t the film’s only reminder of
the past. Harbor invites comparison to Titanic, the biggest hit of ail time. Like Titanic, Harbor heaps romance and action around a major historical event. Like Titanic, Harbor attempts to create popular global entertainment from a deadly real life. Like Titanic, Harbor costs a pretty penny and hopes to get in even more at the box office. Both Titanic and Pearl Harbor unseal their tales of love and tragedy over more than three hours. Both stories center on young passion, triangles of tension with one woman and two men: In Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio and B A. both spent large amount of money on special effects B. both have soundtracks starring a major pop star C. both added made up stories to historical events D. both are documentary movies of historical events [单选题]施工现场照明设施的接电应采取的防触电措施为( )。
A.戴绝缘手套 B.切断电源 C.站在绝缘板上 D.穿绝缘鞋 [判断题]不宜流通人民币在特殊情况下,可以对外支付。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]反映事物数量特征的数据,如长度、面积、体积等几何量或者重量、速度等物理量的叫做( )
A.定位数据 B.定性数据 C.定量数据 D.定时数据 [单选题]传统点火系与电子点火系统最大的区别是()。
A.点火能量的提高 B.断电器触点被点火控制器取 代 C.曲轴位置传感器的应用 D.点火线圈的改进 [单项选择]上海证券交易所国债买断式回购交易的券种和回购期限由( )确定。
A. 上海证券交易所 B. 中国人民银行 C. 交易双方协商 D. 同业中心 [单选题]非自动切换电器是依靠()直接操作来进行工作的。
A.电动 B.外力(如手控) C.感应 [单选题]班组现场的质量检验方式,可以是检验人员“( )”,班组内人员“互检”和操作人员“自检”,通常称为“三检”.
A.自检 B.互检 C.专检 D.他检 [判断题]儿童票的座别应与成人车票相同,其到站不得远于本次列车的终到站。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 转盘油位的高低,每( )检查一次。
A.8 h B.12 h C.24 h D.168 h [多选题]雨季来临前,应符合以下规定()。
A.须做好防洪排涝准备,备足防洪物资、设备、防护用品。 B.检查、修复和完善现场避雷装置、接地装置、排水设施,围堰、堤坝等应采取加固和防坍塌措施,对易冲刷部位应采取防冲或导流措施。 C.对模板支架、起重设备、临时工程的基础采取必要的安全技术措施,防止地基软化而导致沉降或失稳。 D.查询天气预报,实时关注天气。 [单项选择]Conversation begins almost the moment we come into contact with another and continues throughout the day 56 the aid of cell phones and computers. However, we am so often absorbed in conversation that we 57 sight of its true purpose and value.
One important 58 of a good conversation is that the words are 59 used to express thoughts and feelings. We are 60 deep thoughts and strong emotions, yet our vocabularies are not 61 for this expression, and many 62 little effort to expand that. Perhaps you see a movie that 63 you deeply, yet you have the following
conversation: So, what did you think of the film? Oh, my God, it was so sad, I swear. I went through 64 a box of tissues(面巾纸)。 I was in tears. This dialogue is 65 an effective way of expressing feelings. It gives no 66 of how or why the movie truly 67 you. Such commonly-used phrases are certainly not enough to describe a deeply moving experience. However, not only 68 try to avoid overused words, you must 69 be careful in your
A. lack of B. short of C. fond of D. full of [单项选择]基本经济规律是()
A. 某一社会形态特有的经济规律 B. 几种社会形态共有的经济规律 C. 在一切社会形态都存在和起作用的经济规律 D. 只存在于资本主义社会的经济规律 [判断题]信号集中监测系统网络节点IP地址全路不统一编码。
A.得电自动 起动 B.起动电路控 制起动 C.机械起动 D.外力起动答 [判断题]在监理工程实施过程中,对监理实施细则进行补充、修改后,仍按原报审程序经过批准后实施
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对难以做到与电源完全断开的检修设备,可以拆除设备与电源之间的电气连接。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]( )问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题,必须始终把解决好“三农”问题作为全党工作重中之重。
A.农业 B.农村 C.农民 D.农田 [单选题]建设工程项目应当配备专职安全生产管理人员,其中1万m2及以下的建筑工程,
装饰工程至少应配备( )专职安全生产管理人员。 A.1名 B.2名 C.3名 D.4名 [判断题]在氯瓶上浇水 目的是减少液氯的热量 使工作正常。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]可用于沥青软化点试验的介质有()。
A. 蒸馏水 B. 新煮沸过的蒸馏水 C. 自来水 D. 甘油 [判断题]防火防化服用于放射性污染、军事毒剂、生化毒剂和化学事故现场防护。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防爆门是指装有通风机的井筒为防止瓦斯爆炸时毁坏通风机的安全设施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]感染了伤寒以后怎么办?
[多选题]《行规》第52条规定:使用口头方式布置、传达调车作业计划时,须通知( )情况,司机按信号显示运行。
A.目的 B.去向 C.停留车 D.速度 [单选题]采样精密度以其( )分析误差来表示的。
A.水分 B.灰分 C.发热量 D.硫分 [简答题]简述建立国家平面大地控制网的基本原则。
A. 脐以上静脉血流向上,脐以下血流向下 B. 脐以上静脉血流向下,脐以下血流向上 C. 脐以上静脉血流向上,脐以下血流向上 D. 脐以上静脉血流向下,脐以下血流向下 E. 脐以上静脉血流向左,脐以下血流向右 我来回答: 提交