As people continue to grow and age, our
body systems continue to change. At a certain point in your life your body
systems will begin to weaken. Your joints may become stiff. It may become more
difficult for you to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to
lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to
live longer, we have always tried to slow or stop this process that leads us
toward the end of our lives. Many factors contribute to your health. A well-balanced diet plays an important role. The amount and type of exercise you get is another factor. Your living environment and the amount of stress you are under is yet another. But scientists studying senescence (衰老) want to know: Why do people grow old They hope that by examining the aging process on a cellular level medical science may be able to extend t A. man’s aging process B. man’s life span C. man’s health D. man’s medical care [多选题]运维单位应结合变电站实际情况制定消防预案,消防预案中应包括应急疏散部分,并定期进行演练。消防预案内应有、和的使用说明。
A.变压器类设备灭火装置 B.烟感报警装置 C.消防器材 D.正压式呼吸器 [单选题]横断面法检查隧道限界测量中的测点,由轨面至起拱线间,左右两侧的测点高度间距应不大于( )。
A.100mm B.200mm C.300mm D.400mm [单选题]该患者最主要的护理问题是
A.中毒性休克 B.组织灌注不足 C.恐惧 D.体温过高 E.舒适的改变 [单项选择]类MyClass的定义如下:
class MyClass public: MyClass( ) MyClass(int i)value=new int(i); int * value; ; 若要对value赋值,则下面语句正确的是( )。 A. MyClass my;my.value=10; B. MyClass my;*my;*value=10; C. MyClass my;my.*value=10; D. MyClass my(10); [简答题]肝素的主要不良反应是,可选用的对抗药物是__________。
[判断题]占用公物进行营利活动的,给予警告或者严重警告处分;情节较重的,给予撤销党内职务或者留党察看处分;情节严重的,给予开除党籍处分。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]生产经营单位委托有关服务机构提供安全生产技术、管理服务的,保证安全生产的责任由服务机构负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为了减轻碰撞时的人员伤亡,配有安全带的车辆前排司乘人员应佩戴安全带。( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]烽火2488-01B设备中,公务盘可以提供()路公务联络电话,并可提供一条()
A. 第四级强制保护级 B. 第三级监督保护级 C. 第二级指导保护级 D. 第五级专控保护级 [单选题]废渣的处理方法一般不会是()。
A.堆埋 B.堆放 C.焚烧 [判断题]可撤销贷款承诺函属于承诺类中间业务。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在施工现场建筑物外围至少()距离,外引场内高程或坐标点,且周边的地基应硬化,面积大小以不影响其沉降变化为宜,并做好保护措施。
A. 20m B. 10m C. 15m D. 30m 我来回答: 提交