The history of modem pollution problems
shows that most have resulted from negligence and ignorance. We have an
appalling tendency to interfere with nature before all of the possible
consequences of our actions have been studied in depth. We produce and
distribute radioactive substances, synthetic chemicals and many other potent
compounds before fully comprehending their effects on living organisms. Our
education is dangerously incomplete. It will be argued that the purpose of science is to move into unknown territory, to explore, and to discover. It can be said that similar risks have been taken before, and that these risks are necessary to technological progress. These arguments overlook an important element. In the past, risks taken in the name of scientific progress were restricted to a small place and brief period of time. A. Unconcerned. B. Humorous. C. Serious. D. Exaggerated. [判断题]BA014 清管站的任务是收发清管球。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 根据《水利工程建设安全生产管理规定》,项目法人在对施工投标单位进行资格审查时,应当对投标单位的主要负责人、项目负责人以及专职安全生产管理人员是否经( )安全生产考核合格进行审查。
A.安全生产监督管理部门 B.水行政主管部门 C.上级主管部门 D.第三方机构 [判断题]党员要在生产、工作、学习和社会生活中起表率作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下说法体现阴阳对立消长的有
A. 万物负阴而抱阳 B. 一阴一阳谓之道 C. 阴阳者一分为二也 D. 阴阳者有名而无形 [单选题]黄州市交警大队以赵某违章停车为由,依有关规定,决定暂扣赵某1个月的驾驶执照这一行为属于下列哪个选项?
A.:行政强制执行 B.:行政监督检查 C.:行政处罚 D.:行政强制措施 [单选题]习惯性流产定义为
A.连续2次流产 B.连续2次自然流产 C.连续3次流产 D.连续3次自然流产 E.连续3次人工流产 [单项选择]患者,女,38岁。一周前不慎受凉,现发热恶寒,头痛,鼻塞、浊涕常流,不辨香臭。查:鼻窦部位疼痛、压痛、红肿,鼻充血,X线或透照均见鼻窦混浊。应选用药组是()
A. 荆芥、防风、紫苏 B. 藁本、白芷、细辛 C. 柴胡、葛根、升麻 D. 辛夷、苍耳子、白芷 E. 薄荷、黄芩、麻黄 [判断题]超限货物按其装车后超限程度分为一级、二级。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]熔化焊是以焊接过程中是否熔化和结晶为准则。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在尖轨顶面宽50 mm及其以上的断面处,尖轨顶面低于基本轨顶面2 mill的道岔加固后可以使用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交