Hitchhiking(搭车旅游) When I was in my teens(十几岁) and 20s, hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport. The kindness or curiosity of strangers {{U}} (51) {{/U}} me all over Europe, North America, Asia and southern Africa. Some of the lift-givers became friends, many provided hospitality {{U}} (52) {{/U}} the road. Not only did you find out much more about a country than {{U}} (53) {{/U}} traveling by train or plane, but also there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night. Hitchhiking featured importantly in Western culture. It has books and songs about it. So what has happened to {{U}} (54) {{/U}} A few years ago, I asked the same question about hitchhiking in a column on a newspaper. {{U}} A. fences B. barriers C. gaps D. stones [填空题]链传动工作时磨损较快,磨损后链条节距会(),甚至于造成()现象。
[单选题] 目前,我国使用的铂热电阻的测量范围
A.-200~850℃ B.-50~850℃ C.-200~150℃ D.-200~50℃ [单项选择]下列各指标中属于动态指标的是( )。
A. 利息备付率 B. 偿债备付率 C. 内部收益率 D. 投资收益率 [多选题]†年5月8日下午,海南电网检修公司完成了110kV和乐站#1主变间隔、10kVⅠ段母线所有间隔预试定检及机构维护,以及10kV站用变母线侧隔离开关更换工作,在#1主变和10kV和根线、和港线、英豪线复电后,操作10kV和铁线由冷备用转热备用过程中,操作人员及监护人未持操作票逐项操作,而是凭记忆操作,在未认真核对设备状态,在10kV和铁线1053开关处于检修状态下,操作10531刀闸,导致10531刀闸上下动静触头安全距离不足三相放电,造成10kVⅠ段母线发生三相接地短路。运行人员操作后应“三检查”,检查内容是()。
A.检查操作质量 B.检查设备状况 C.检查运行方式 D.检查五防装置 [简答题]
If an occupation census had been taken in the eleventh century it would probably have revealed that quite 90 percent of the people were country inhabitants who drew their livelihood from farming, herding, fishing or the forest. (46)An air photograph taken at that time would have revealed spotted villages, linked together by unsurfaced roads and separated by expanses of forest or swamp. There were some towns, but few of them housed more than 10,000 persons. (47)A second picture, taken in the mid-fourteenth century would show that the villages had grown more numerous and also more widespread, for Europeans had pushed their frontier outward by settling new areas. There would be more people on the roads, rivers and seas, carrying food or raw materials to towns which had increased in number, size and importance. But a photograph taken about 1450 would reyeal that little further expansion had taken place during the preceding hundred years.
Any attempt to describ [单选题]按照应急预案编制要求,对于危险性较大的重点岗位,生产经营单位应当制定重点工作岗位的( )。
A.安全责任制 B. 操作规程 C.现场处置方案 D.专项应急预案 [单项选择]直流电动机、交流电动机和三相交流电动机是根据()来划分的
A. 转子结构 B. 电源性质 C. 工作原理 D. 电动机结构 [单项选择]关于房间隔缺损的胸部X线征象,以下哪项除外
A. 心脏外形轻中度扩大 B. 肺动脉段凹陷 C. 肺门舞蹈征 D. 主动脉影缩小 E. 右房、右室大 [单项选择]下列哪项不是合同生效的必要条件?()
A. 行为人必须具有相应的民事行为能力 B. 行为人只需具有相应的民事权利能力 C. 意思表示真实 D. 不违反法律和社会公共利益 [单项选择]与青森县的“寝豚”节和秋田县的竿灯节一起被称为日本东北三大传统节日的是?()
A. 德岛县的阿波舞 B. 吉田火祭 C. 仙台七夕节 D. 函館港节 [单选题]冲击触诊法最适宜于何种情况
A.A:患者呼吸动作配合不好时肝脏触诊; B.有腹水者肝脏触诊; C.腹膜炎肝脏触诊; D.患者极度肥胖时肝脏触诊; E.双手触诊不满意时肝脏触诊; [单选题]( )是整个的轧钢生产工艺过程的核心。
A.原料准备 B.加热 C.轧制 D.精整 [单选题] 微课程《公安云搜索技战法实战应用教学》中查找“张三”,大约20到25,应搜索的格式为( )
A. 202122232425 B. -2025 C. 20-25 D. 20~25 [单选题]酸蚀刻法复合树脂修复的粘结机制是
A.螯合 B.机械粘结 C.范德华力 D.化学键 E.结合共聚 [单选题]字长作为 CPU 的主要性能指标之一, 主要表现在( )。
A.CPU 计算结果的有效数字长度 B.CPU 一次能处理的二进制数据的位数 C.CPU 最长的十进制整数的位数 D.CPU 最大的有效数字位数 [判断题]由于流水线的特性决定,企业内部物流作业必须服从和服务于生产工艺流程的需要。
[单选题]265.施工封锁后,大修列车机组进入当日作业地段前,作业地段拆除轨枕扣件不得连续超过( )根。(应知应会-《普速铁路工务安全规则》-第2.5.4条)
A.8 B.6 C.7 D.5 我来回答: 提交