The Changjiang River is not the longest, the widest, or the most powerful river in the world. But in one sense it is the most important river, because it serves more people than any other river. In every way the Changjiang River is China’s life stream. The Changjiang River isn’t just a trade river, a high way along which goods are picked up and sent. It is an agricultural river as well. A lot of irrigation(灌溉)ditches(渠)go out from it to millions of tiny garden-size farms. There men and women work endlessly with very old hand tools-planting, watering, fertilizing, weeding, harvesting, raising the family’s food and raising the nation’s food. It begins somewhere high in the place north of Tibet, running down from a three-mile height. It goes for hundreds of miles, shouting loud through valleys. On A. Three thousand, nine hundred miles. B. One thousand miles. C. Hundreds of miles. D. Three miles. [单项选择]There are always two sides to every business________ — the firm and the customer — and each must be satisfied before trade occurs.
A. transition B. transformation C. transmission D. transaction [单选题]《人民币鉴别仪通用技术条件》(GB_16999-2010)中定义的A级点验钞机应具有券别、套别及版别识别能力中的()种。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4。 [多项选择]铝热焊对轨作业时,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 以轨底角为基准,控制轨缝宽度 B. 尖点调整:将1m直尺的中点与焊缝中点重合,用钢楔子或对轨架进行高度调整 C. 尖点调整:使焊缝两侧0.5m处钢轨与直尺间隙1.5~2.0mm D. 水平对正:用1m直尺分别检查焊缝两端钢轨轨头、轨腰、轨底角是否平直 [单选题]下列事项中,行政机关在作出处罚决定前不必告知当事人的是哪一项?( )
A.作出行政处罚决定的事实和理由 B.作出行政处罚的依据 C.行政处罚的履行方式和期限 D.当事人依法享有的权利 [单选题]真理和渗误在一定条件下可以转化的论断是()。
A.辩证唯物主义观点 B.相对主义观点 C.诡辩主义观点 D.经验主义观点 [填空题]新运行模式下1类客车分类标准规定:车长( )6000mm且核定载人数不大于9人的载客汽车。
面应承担的法律义务有( )。 A.必须建立.健全劳动安全卫生制度 B.严格执行国家劳动安全卫生规程和标准 C.对劳动者进行劳动安全卫生教育 D.防止劳动过程中的事故 E.设立卫生医疗机构 [判断题]车船税的纳税义务发生时间,为车船管理部门核发的车船登记证书或者行驶证中记载日期的次月。 ( )
[单选题]如图所示,拆检轮胎、进行轮胎换位是( )进行的作业内容。
A. 日常维护 B.一级维护 C.二级维护 D.换季维护 [多选题]今黄南藏族自治州的热贡艺术有()。
A.唐卡 B.壁画 C.刺绣 D.酥油花 E.雕塑 [简答题]简述消化道的一般构造?
A. TSAb B. TSBAb C. TGI D. TPOAb E. TgAb [判断题]( )流体的粘度越大,其雷诺数越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高速铁路单向调节器应加强尖轨及其后( )范围内钢轨锁定,双向调节器应加强尖轨范围锁定。
A.50~100m B.100~150m C.150~200m D.100~200m 我来回答: 提交