Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
The US Department of Labor statistics (统计结果)indicates that there is an oversupply of college-trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing. Already there is an overabundance (过多) of teachers, engineers, physicists and other specialists. Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that aren’t there. The result is that the graduates cannot enter the professions for which they are trained and must take temporary jobs, which A. once college graduates take a temporary job, they soon get used to it B. college graduates have the habit of taking temporary jobs C. many college graduates might never find jobs for which they are trained D. college graduates are accustomed to taking permanent jobs [简答题]简述YJl7/27卷接机组全自动起动的程序。
A.2M B.8M C.34M D.140M [单选题]单格蓄电池电压为()。
A.11V B.2V C.300V D.500V [单选题]配电网正常运行方式安排应紧密结合配电自动化终端改造,合理利用馈线自动化,使配电网具有一定的()能力。
A.自愈; B.互动; C.可靠; D.兼容。 [单选题]下面键联接中,属于紧键联接的是( )联接。
A.A、平键 B.B、花键 C.C、切向键 D.D、以上都不对 [填空题]《商丘市文明行为促进条例》颁布的目的之一是提升( )和( )。
A. 口头广告 B. 实物广告 C. 草标广告 D. 广告印刷 E. 招牌广告 [单选题]男性,56岁。在医院诊为稳定性心绞痛,经一个时期的治疗,效果欠佳,拟采用联合用药,请问下述哪一种较为合理
A.硝酸甘油+硝酸异山梨酯 B.硝酸甘油+硝苯地平 C.维拉帕米+普萘洛尔 D.硝酸甘油+美托洛尔 E.维拉帕米+地尔硫卓 [多项选择]制川乌的炮制工艺为()
A. 泡至内无干心 B. 煮沸4~6小时或蒸6~8小时 C. 晾至七成千后切厚片 D. 煮至口尝微麻舌 E. 煮至个大及实心者切开无白心 [多选题]电气工作人员必须具备什么条件?
A.经医师鉴定,无妨碍工作的病症(体格检查约两年一次) B.具备必要的电气知识 C.按其职务和工作性质,熟悉《电业安全工作规程》的有关部分;经《电业安全工作规程》考试合格 D.学会紧急救护法,特别要学会触电急救 [简答题]简述幼儿说谎行为的特点与成因。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] In a breath-taking turn of events, Asia’’s economies have gone from miracle to meltdown in a matter of weeks. Many forecasters who recently predicted GDP growth of 6 % in South Korea and Southeast Asia for 1998 are suddenly projecting zero or even negative growth. In the often short-sighted world of international finance, a new conventional wisdom is quickly forming: that inept policy-making is dragging down Asian economies, and that only the tough austerity medicine of the International Monetary Fund, plus a good stiff recession, will bring the region’’s economies back to track.
In recent years, foreign and domestic investors in East Asia got a touch of what U, S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has famously termed "irrational exuberance". Spurred by years of high economic growth in Asia, these investors poured billions of dollars of loans into the region, financing many worthwhile investments but also an unsustainable real estate boom.
This over investment need not
A. irrational exuberance B. long term adjustment C. market economy under siege D. contagion effect [单选题]物业经营管理中,财务控制和财务计划的重要工具是()
A.预算 B.目标定位 C.预测 D.确定租金 [单选题]在现场急救中,一般应灵活掌握()的顺序,最大限度减少人员伤亡。
A.失救后抢先重后轻,失缓后急、失近后远 B.失救后抢先轻后重,先急后缓、先远后近 C.先抢后救、先重后轻、先急后缓、先近后远 D.先抢后救、先轻后重、先缓后急、先远后近 [单项选择]属于Ⅲ型变态反应的疾病是()
A. 类风湿性关节炎 B. 强直性脊柱炎 C. 新生儿溶血症 D. 血清过敏性休克 E. 接触性皮炎 [判断题]大型养路机械运行前应按规定将运行揭示、正确输入GYK设备,正确选定CIR设备的运行线路、通信模式,注册车次功能号。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下是胃溃疡特点的是
A.发病年龄多见于老年人 B.好发于胃大弯 C.上腹压痛点常在上腹偏右 D.疼痛多在饭后3~4小时发生 E.X线钡餐检查龛影 [判断题]高压试验与测量工作中,如加压部分与检修部分之间的断开点,按校验电压有足够的安全距离,并在另一侧有接地短路线时,可在断开点的一侧进行校验,另一侧不可继续工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]某高层公共建筑消防给水系统进行维护检测,消防水泵关于千管上的压力开关动作后,消防水泵未启动。下列故障原因分析中,可排除的是()。
A.消防联动控制器处于手动启泵状态 B.消防水泵控制柜內继电器损坏 C.压力开光与水泵之间线路故障 D.消防水泵控制柜处于手动启泵状态 [判断题]1PE冷却塔分二组,一组有冷却塔5座,另一组有冷却塔4座。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]女,45岁。间断干咳3年,无低热、咯血等,反复抗生素治疗无效。查体无明显阳性体征。胸部X线片未见明显异常,最可能的诊断是()。
A. 支原体肺炎 B. 支气管结核 C. 支气管扩张 D. 咳嗽变异型哮喘 E. 慢性支气管炎 [单项选择]干浸膏剂一般要求含水()
A. 含水3% B. 含水5% C. 含水15% D. 含水15%~20% E. 含水25% [名词解释]自用部位
[单项选择]用单模光纤做媒体的1000BaseLX以太网,在全双工条件下,网段距离最大可达 (42) 。
A. 100m B. 2000m C. 3000m D. 40000m [单选题]Q/SY02552-2018《钻井井控技术规范》中规定:地质设计中所提供的井位应满足安全距离要求,油气井井口距民宅不小于( )m。
A.100 B.200 C.500 D.75 [单项选择]基础测绘项目或者国家投资的其他测绘项目,测绘成果汇交的主体为承担测绘项目的单位,由测绘单位汇交测绘成果()。
A. 副本 B. 目录 C. 副本和目录 D. 副本或者目录 [判断题]出入境航空器在收到海关给予电讯 检疫批准回复后,入境航空器在抵港后可以直接上下人员、 装卸货物,出境航空器可以直接起飞离港。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]1924年黄埔军校创办时的党代表是()。
[多选题] 有计划的施工,涉及( )、( )发生变化或( )变化时应发布运行揭示调度命令,司机按运行揭示调度命令执行。
A. 行车方式 B. 限速 C. 设备 D. 进路 我来回答: 提交