It might be supposed that greater
efficiency could be achieved if several people worked together to solve a
problem than if only one individual works on it. Although groups often may increase the motivation of their members to deal with problems, there are conflicts arising among members of a group. Problem solving needs the presence of an effective leader who not only provides direction, but also permits the orderly, constructive expression of different opinions; much of the leader’s effort may be devoted to resolving differences. Success in problem solving also depends on the distribution of ability within a group. Although groups may reach a greater number of correct solutions, or may require less time to discover an answer, their efficiency is typically lower than that achieved by A. the presence of an effective leader B. the best way to collect resources C. everyone to work harder D. more funds [单项选择]男性,67岁,夜间尿频、排尿困难6年。直肠指检示前列腺重度增生。病人最可能的疾病是()
A. 前列腺增生 B. 前列腺癌 C. 前列腺炎 D. 尿道狭窄 E. 尿道结石 [多选题]测量不同电压等级的用电设备及不同的对象,要选用相应等级的兆欧表,以下选择正确的是(____)。
A. 测量500V以下的电气设备,应选择500V的兆欧表 B. 测量500V以上1000V以下的电气设备,应选择2000V的兆欧表 C. 测量500V以上3000V以下的电气设备,应选择1000V的兆欧表 D. 测量3000V以上的电气设备,应选择2500V的兆欧表 [单项选择]国务院银行业监督管理机构对发生信用危机的商业银行实行接管的期限最长不得超过 ( )。
A. 一年 B. 两年 C. 三年 D. 四年 [单项选择]直肠上静脉丛和直肠下静脉丛在何处互相交通()
A. 齿线附近 B. 肛门皮下 C. 肛管 D. 肛门白线附近 [判断题]煤气设备泄漏没有及时发现易造成人员中毒。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计算机病毒的危害性表现在
A. 影响程序的执行,破坏用户程序和数据 B. 能造成计算机器件永久性失效 C. 不影响计算机的运行速度 D. 不影响外部设备的正常使用 [单选题]患者右眼前加红片,左眼前加绿片。遮盖右眼看worth-4-dot视标,患者依然能看到正上方的菱形视标,可能的原因是( )
A.患者存在双眼同时视 B.患者存在立体视 C.红片颜色有问题 D.绿片颜色有问题 [单选题]不同类型的钢轨互相联结时,应使用( )。
A.鱼尾型夹板 B.平直夹板 C.双头式夹板 D.异型夹板 我来回答: 提交