Elizabeth was fortunate to be born in
the lull flush of Renaissance enthusiasm for education. Women had always been
educated of course, for had not St. Paul said that women were men’s equals in
the possession of a soul But to the old idea that they should be trained in
Christian manners and thought was now added a new purpose: to quicken the spirit
and train them in the craft and eloquence of the classical authors of Greece and
Rome. Critics were not wanting, morbidly obsessed with the weaknesses of the
sex-- its love of novelty and inborn tendency to vice -- to think women
dangerous enough without adding to their subtlety and forwardness; but they were
not able to stem the tide. Henry VII’s mother was one of the first to indicate the new trend. She knew enough French to translate "The Mirror of God f A. Elizabeth almost certainly did not deserve this praise. B. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was extremely clever. C. Elizabeth was not well-known for her hand-writing. D. there is other evidence that Elizabeth was famous and cynical. [单选题]除雾器的冲洗时间长短和冲洗间隔的时间和( )有关。
A.吸收塔液位和除雾器压差; B. 烟气流速; C. 循环浆液PH值; D. 循环浆液密度 [判断题]扑救医院火灾时,整个救护行动必须在医务人员指导下进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在价格领导模型中,贷款利率不包括( )
A.优惠利率 B.借款人支付的违约风险溢价 C.长期贷款借款人支付的期限风险溢价 D.小额贷款借款人支付的沟通成本溢价 [单选题]杵状指(趾)临床常见于以下哪项疾病 ( )
A.亚急性感染性心内膜炎 B.糖尿病 C.白血病 D.缺铁性贫血 E.冠心病 [单项选择]腰俞麻醉用普鲁卡因或利多卡因的剂量是:()
A. 5~10ml B. 10~15ml C. 15~40ml D. 10~30ml E. 20~40ml [填空题]我国第一篇白话小说是鲁迅的()作品?
[判断题] 在站内其它线路作业,列车进路不明时必须下道避车。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] “信e贷”项目实现了客户通过手机银行自助发起贷款申请,系统自动进行( )的模型测算及客户自助放款等功能。
A. 客户信息 B. 客户准入 C. 客户评级 D. 额度利率 [单选题]隧道净空收敛稳定标准一般取( )。
A.A:0.5-1.0mm/年 B.B:1-2mm/年 C.C:2-4mm/年 D.D:5-10mm/年 [单选题]现阶段,先进生产力集中体现为:
A. 劳动对象 B.科学技术 C.劳动者 D.管理方式 [单项选择]结肠癌最早出现的临床症状是
A. 阵发性绞痛 B. 肠梗阻症状 C. 腹部肿块 D. 排便习惯和粪便性状的改变 E. 全身症状如贫血、消瘦、低热等 [单选题]1938年9月29日至11月6日,党在延安举行扩大的六届六中全会。会议基本上纠正了王明的 r)°
A."左”倾冒险主义错误 B.右倾错误 C.教条主义错误 [单选题]发现一级损失,火灾,罐车装运的压缩气体、液化气体泄漏,剧毒品、放射性物品被盗丢失应在()内逐级报告。
A.1h B.6h C.12h D.24h [判断题]>限制管用方头螺栓和定位线夹固定在下面的接触线上。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]超音速一元等熵气流在渐扩管道中随截面积增大,压力p()。
A. 减小 B. 增大 C. 不变 D. 不确定 [简答题]影响电调或环调管辖设备正常运行的C类施工作业,申报施工计划时必须在备注中注明“(施工前联络电(环)调)”。
A.在收件箱中有kao@sina.com 邮件 B.在收件箱中有shi@sina.com 邮件 C.在本地文件夹中有kao@sina.com 邮件 D.在本地文件夹中有shi@sina.com 邮件 [单项选择]下列对原生环境描述正确的是()
A. 原生环境是天然形成的未受动物生活影响的环境 B. 原生环境是原来就存在于自然界的环境 C. 原生环境是天然形成的未受人类生活的影响或少受人为因素影响的环境 D. 原生环境对人类总是有益的 E. 以上说法都不对 [单项选择]原核生物DNA切除修复过程需要:①DNA连接酶、②DNA-pol Ⅰ、③UvrA、UvrB、④UvrC,其作用先后顺序是
A. ①②③④ B. ④③②① C. ③④②① D. ③④①② [名词解释]水泥的初凝时间
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