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Travelers arriving at Heathrow airport
this year have been met by the smell of freshly-cut grass, pumped from a
discreet comer via an "aroma box", a machine which blows warm, scented air into
the environment. It can scent the area of an average high street shop with the
smell of the chocolate, freshly-cut grass, or sea breezes, in fact any synthetic
odors that can be made to smell like the real thing. Heathrow’s move into "sensory" marketing is the latest in a long line of attempts by businesses to use sensory psychology — the scientific study of the effects of the senses on our behavior to help sell products. Marketing people call this "atmosphere" — using sounds or smells to manipulate consumer behavior. On Valentine’s Day two years ago the chain of chemist s 3uperdog scented one of its London shops with chocolate. The smel A. Smell is the most emotional of the senses. B. Smell stimulates our memory more than the other senses. C. Smell is considered to be mysterious, as it is untouchable. D. Smell is the sense most difficult to identify. [单选题]信用卡消费分期是指持卡人申请对()的消费交易提供分期偿还服务的业务?
A.尚未确认的交易 B.已出账单一定消费金额 C.已发生且未出账单的 D.已出账单所有消费金额 [单项选择]一人暮らしは、楽しいとは言えないまでも、()。
A. やはり、さびしいものだ B. 不自由なこともある C. やはり、家族と一緒がいい D. 気楽でいい [报关编码]藤制的椅子
A. 100mm B. 200mm C. 300mm D. 400mm [多项选择]公安工作是依据( )保卫国家安全与社会治安秩序的专门工作。
A. 法律 B. 法规 C. 职业纪律和职业道德 D. 党和国家的政策 [单项选择]
A. so B. such C. too D. as [单选题]精密天平的使用应建立专门的使用登记制度,专人负责保管、保养。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路动车组运用维修规则》规定,当环境温度低于多少时,应供电防冻?
A. -1℃ B.0℃ C. 1℃ D. 2℃ [单选题]调度命令必须在列车进入()前。
A.关系区间(站) B.相关区间(站) C.前方站 D.后方站 [多选题]关于开关柜内母线瓷柱的缺陷描述,正确的是( )
A.瓷柱放电爬距试验数据严重超标,无法继续运行的定为危急缺陷。 B.瓷柱外表面有轻微放电或轻微电晕,为严重缺陷 C.瓷柱有轻微破损,属于一般缺陷 D.瓷柱有明显污秽,属于一般缺陷 [判断题]光电流互感器的普测每周不少于1次,迎峰度夏期间每天1次
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在电力电缆上,不论进行停电或不停电的工作,均应填写工作票,工作前必须详细核对()等是否与工作票内容相符,在检查安全措施正确并可靠后,才可工作。
A. 电缆图 B. 标示牌 C. 电压等级 D. 电缆名称及标示牌 [单选题] 硫磺酸性液管线开停工吹扫,用( )吹扫。
A.氮气 B.蒸汽 C.动力风 D.风机 我来回答: 提交