Task 2
In 1813 rumors of a threatened invasion of Washington had circulated widely. But no attack materialized, so military preparedness ceased. By 1814 the defensive system for Washington was nonexistent except for a few troops near the city and a weak naval force. Month after month Congress had voted down resolutions to place the capital in a defensive posture, while the secretary of war kept concentrated on his invasion of Canada. The best plan for defense came from the cabinet in July, when it proposed to defend Washington with an army of volunteers from all the states. The result was inadequate at best. Some of the men that reported for duty were told to go home and get better shoes and to bring back a butcher knife if they could not get a musket. On August i8, news reached the capital that a British fleet had s A. only volunteers from the states defended the city B. only a few troops and a weak naval force were gathered for the city C. some of the volunteers were not well armed D. the big people didn’t pay much attention to the defense [单选题]KLD40型空调机组在采暖工况下,通风机应( )运转。
A.低速 B.高速 C.低速或高速 D.不确定 [单选题]四显示自动闭塞区段,车站始发特快旅客列车时,运行前方最少应有( )闭塞分区空闲。
A.1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 [多项选择]目前最有影响,也最权威的智力量表有()
A. 比奈智力测验 B. 韦克斯勒智力测验 C. 绘人测验 D. 投射测验 E. 瑞文标准推理测验 [单项选择]根据学前儿童手丁制作的特点和幼儿园教师的指导特点,幼儿园的手工活动可以分为()手工活动和平面手工活动。
A. 立体 B. 剪纸 C. 折纸 [单项选择]煤矿安全规程》规定,高瓦斯矿井的绝对瓦斯涌出量应该为()m3/min。
A. =40 B. >40 C. ≤40 D. ≥40 [判断题]拉拔只能制造电线类简单断面的线材
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]车辆段接触网未断电的状态下,以下安全注意事项错误的是( )。
A.任何人不得在车顶上作业 B.不得进入车顶作业平台 C.不得从无电检修区(隔离开关已断开,已接好接地线)进入有电区 D.迅速作业,尽快完成以防电击。 [填空题]
For most of us, body weight goes up with age—an average of one pound a year after 25, according to the American Medical Association. We can fight against body weight through exercise and the right dietary (饮食的) habits, according to the National Institute on Aging. [单选题]预备消防士的思想政治教育组织实施,应着重明确消防员( )的基本道理,打牢履行职责的思想基础。
A.岗位职责和专业要求 B.职责要求和立身做人 C.职责要求和岗位规定 D.职责使命和思想道德 [单项选择]某企业2007年年初盈余公积余额为750万元,本年提取法定盈余公积300万元,用盈余公积转增资本30077元,用盈余公积发放现金股利100万元,该企业盈余公积的年末余额为( )万元。
A. 675 B. 750 C. 825 D. 650 [多选题]为提高公允价值计量和相关披露的一致性和可比性,企业应当将估值技术所使用的输入值划分的层次包括( )。
A.第一层次输入值 B.第二层次输入值 C.第三层次输入值 D.第四层次输入值 [简答题]发现伤员大出血、骨折应怎样处理?
在车辆电气原理图中,如图所示的元件符号表示( )。
A.电磁阀 B.继电器 C.延时继电器 D.欠压监测继电器 [单选题]"禾苗离土即死"、"一方水土养一方人"所体现的是( )。
A.人民对故土家园的依赖关系 B.国土对祖国的依赖关系 C.祖国对国土的依赖关系 D.故土家园对人民的依赖关系 [判断题]严格执行孕产妇死亡和围产儿死亡评审制度,无需提供死亡孕产妇和围产儿的相关资料。
A. 新生儿窒息 B. 新生儿肺炎 C. 新生儿败血症 D. 新生儿硬肿症 E. 新生儿呼吸暂停 F. 新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征 我来回答: 提交