After their owners (主人) left them
carelessly behind in Yellowstone National Park, Louie, a 4-year-old golden dog,
and Nipsy, a 3-year-old long hair eat, were killed within minutes of beginning
their journey home. Repons said "It looks like right after leaving the
campsite they were chased (追逐) by some big animals. So they ran quickly and fell
off a cliff (悬崖) in a hurry and died." The park keeper Ken Hinkley said he
discovered their bodies, part of which had been eaten by a wolf possibly when he
was looking around the park. And it seemed that their bodies were run over by a
truck after that. Their owners were very sad to learn the news, but they had to give up hope. A few months later, they bought a new kitten and puppy whom they love very much. They said they would look after the do [判断题]用钳表测量电流时,尽量将导线置于钳口铁芯中间,以减少测量误差。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]严格执行水域救援“五个绝不允许”( )。
A.绝不允许不会游泳的指战员在一线参与水域救援任务 B.绝不允许穿着灭火防护服执行水域救援任务 C.绝不允许无证驾驶消防舟艇和潜水作业 D.绝不允许水域情况不明盲目下水救援 E.绝不允许穿着非水域专用救援服下水救援 [多选题]离心式压缩机所配油泵流量一般为( ),出口压力应小于( )以( )压力进入轴承。
A. 150—200L/min B. 200—350L/min C. 0.5MPa D. 0.08—0.15 MPa [单选题]带传动是依靠传动带与带轮之间的( )来传动的
A.作用力 B.张紧力 C.摩擦力 D.弹力 [判断题] 鉴定点库建立了详细具体的定量化考核标准。4
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]主合同有效而担保合同无效,债权人、担保人有过错的,担保人承担民事责任的部分,不应超过债务人不能清偿部分的( )。
A.连带 B.二分之一 C.不超过二分之一 D.三分之一 [单选题]某政府办公楼,地下1 层,地上16 层,建筑高度52m,建筑面积36800m2 该办公楼的下列场所中,不属于消防安全重点部位的是( )
A.档案室 B.健身房 C.自备柴油发电机房 D.计算机数据中心 [判断题]第 466 题, 本小题 1 分
在Excel中进行单元格复制时,无论单元格是什么内容,复制出来的内容与原单元格总是一致。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]系统扣收转贴现利息至“利息调整”科目,按日从“利息调整”科目摊销至“转贴现利息收入”科目。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]扑救电气火灾时,如何使用灭火剂?
[填空题]智慧沃家添加多台摄像头设备后,可以通过修改 来区分多台设备。
A.能量损失大; B.能量损失小; C.热应力小; D.离心应力小。 [单选题]根据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》规定,( )应当审查施工组织设计中的安全技术措施或者专项施工方案是否符合工程建设强制性标准。
A.建设单位 B.工程监理单位 C.设计单位 D.施工单位 [单选题]小明的表哥在山东,上次来苏州品尝了当地的美食,觉得苏州的糕点不错,小明想在节日前寄一些当地的糕点。在快递单据的“内件分类”一栏中应填写( ) B.玩具 C.日化品 D.商品 [多选题]银行承兑汇票客户申请环节的风险防控措施包括( )。
A.核实经办人身份 B.审核客户提供的资料 C.审查客户交易是否符合其经营范围 D.申请额度控制在授信额度内 E.严禁银行工作人员代客户办理业务 [单项选择]按疾病诊断的填写顺序,一个复杂的疾病的主要诊断应填写为().
A. 症状在前 B. 病因在前 C. 病理在前 D. 部位在前 E. 以上均是 [判断题]移动防护红牌要存放在闸瓦箱内。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述天然雌核发育的特点。
[填空题]Centuries ago, Western culture lost its focus (31) the interconnectedness between the body and the mind (32) spirit, and how each has the power to affect the (33) . Cultivating a love of movement can help you get beyond the concept of physical fitness as separate from (34) fitness, and toward a lifelong program of good health through mind and body fitness.
Whether you choose yoga or another (35) of movement for exercise, remember that our bodies are (36) to move to feel good. So (37) you incorporate regular activity in your life, you are moving closer to overall mind and body fitness. But if you are overweight, this can be (38) difficult. You can improve your mind-body connection for better mind and body fitness, it’s just important to choose realistic fitness options. You might consider redefining exercise (39) any activity that unites your mind and body and reduces your stress level. In fac [单选题]设于( )的信号机显示为常红灯。
A.A.道岔前方 B.B.车站发车方向 C.C.库线出库方向 D.D.线路尽头位置 [单项选择]在人体的经络系统中,与脏腑有直接络属关系的是()
A. 十二经脉 B. 奇经八脉 C. 十二经筋 D. 十二经别 E. 十五别络 [单项选择]
t1/2恒定的是() A. 半衰期 B. 清除率 C. 消除速率常数 D. 零级动力学消除 E. 一级动力学消除 [单项选择]Like the blues, jazz emphasizes individualism. The performer is at the same time the composer, shaping the music into style and form. A traditional melody or harmonic framework may serve as the takeoff point for improvisation, but it is the personality of the player and the way he or she improvises that produces the music. Performances of the same work differ from player to player, for each recreates the music in his or her own individual way. Jazz is learned through oral tradition, as is folk song, and those who would learn to play it do so primarily by listening to others playing jazz.
Although improvisational in nature, jazz nonetheless contains recognizable elements that derive from older musical traditions. The influence of ragtime (拉格泰姆音乐) is represented in jazz by the emphasis on syncopation (切分音) and the presence of the piano in the ensemble. The influence of the brass band reveals itself in the jazz instrumentation (乐器法), in the roles assigned to each instrument, and in A. influence of ragtime in jazz is only represented by the emphasis on syncopation B. the influence of brass on jazz lies in the roles assigned to each instrument C. saxophones were added to jazz performance because the influence of brass brand D. blues uses the call-and-response style of jazz [单选题]导致产后出血最主要原因是
A.软产道裂伤 B.凝血功能障碍 C.子宫收缩乏力 D.胎盘因素 [多选题]国家重点推进共享应用的高频电子证照清单(第一批)中,含以下哪些证照,( )
A.营业执照 B.不动产权证 C.取水许可证 D.卫生许可证 [多选题]检修德雷希尔隔离开关时,分闸应检查以下内容( ).
A.观察刀闸本体及触点情况,应无烧伤、过热、变色痕迹,触头及铜排无锈蚀 B.测量动、静触头之间距离不得小于200mm C.目测动触头和接地体之间的距离不得小于150mm D.观察分闸限位止钉无破损,安装正确,间隙合适 我来回答: 提交