Married people live "happily ever
after" in fairy tales, but they do so less and less often in real life. I, like
many of my friends, got married, divorced, and remarried. I suppose, to some
people, I’m a failure. After all, I broke my first solemn promise to "love and
cherish until death us do part." But I feel that I’m finally a success. I
learned from the mistakes I made in my first marriage. This time around, the
ways my husband and I share our free time, make decision, and deal with problems
are very different. I learned, first of all, not to be a clinging vine (依赖男子的妇女). In my first marriage, I felt the every moment we spent apart was wasted. If Ray wanted to go out to a bar with his friends to watch a football game, I felt rejected and talked him into staying home. I wouldn’t accept an offer to go to a movie or join an exer A. that they share their free time B. that they make their decisions together C. that they talk to each other D. that they deal with their troubles together [单项选择]
More than forty thousand readers told us what they looked for in close friendship, what they expected (21) friends, what they were willing to give in (22) , and how satisfied they were (23) quality of their friendships. The (24) give little comfort to social critics. [单选题]药材大黄组织构造中异常维管束存在于
A.皮层 B.木栓层 C.韧皮部及皮部 D.髓部 E.韧皮部 [单选题]某娱乐场所因锁闭安全出口被消防救援机构处罚,在一年内该娱乐场所又锁闭同一安全出口。消防救援机构对这一行为( )处理。
A.不能再处罚 B.不能再给予罚款处罚 C.应当给予拘留处罚 D.应当从重处罚 [不定项选择题]A.马兜铃科
A.小檗科 B.报春花科 C.唇形科 D.爵床科 E.细辛来源于( )。 [填空题]一个PCM系统中可用于作七号信令链路的时隙最多有()个。
[单选题]在相分裂导线上工作时,安全带(绳)应挂在同一根子导线上,后备保护绳应挂在( )上。
A.同一根子导线 B.相邻两根子导线 C.任意两根子导线 D.整组相导线 [单项选择]下列病理情况致肺下界下移的是()
A. 肺不张 B. 肝脾肿大 C. 大量腹水 D. 气胸 E. 肺气肿 [名词解释]社会工作者
[单选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍的干部、消防员依据行政职务和消防救援衔级,构成( )或者同级关系。
A.隶属 B.上级或者下级 C.同志 D.朋友 [单项选择]公安机关在办理刑事案件过程中,下列关于有关不立案的规定说法正确的是()。
A. 对有控告人的案件,决定不予立案的,公安机关可以制作不予立案通知书,并在三日以内送控告人 B. 控告人对不予立案的复议决定不服的,可以在收到复议决定书后七日以内向上一级公安机关申请复核 C. 对于行政执法机关移送的案件不予立案的,应当将不予立案能知书送移送案件的行政执法机关,相应退回案件材料 D. 行政执法机关对不予立案的决定不服的,可以在收到不予立案通知书后三日以内向作出不予立案决定的公安机关申请复议 [多选题]“多维组织协同”发挥总部、省公司两级供应链运营中心“管理中枢”作用,提升了( )和应急物资调配能力,驱动管理质效再提升。
A.采购供应分析$ B.$资源优化配置$ C.$风险监控预警$ D.$数据资产应用 我来回答: 提交