甲对乙享有60万元债权,丙、丁分别与甲签订保证合同,但未约定保证责任的范围和方式。戊以价值30万元的房屋为乙向甲设定抵押并办理了登记。 |
The majority of people, about nine out of ten, are right-handed. (1) until recently, people who were left-handed were considered (2) , and once children showed this tendency they were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally (3) , but it is still a disadvantage in a world (4) most people are right-handed. For example, most tools and implements are still (5) for right-handed people.
In sports (6) contrast, doing things with the left hand or foot, .is often an advantage. Throwing, kicking, punching or batting from the" (7) "side may result in throwing (8) many opponents who are more accustomed to dealing with the (9) of players who are right-handed. This is why, in many (10) at a professional level, a (11) proportion of players are left-handed than in the population as a whole.
The word "right" in many languages means "correct&quo
A. by
B. with
C. to
D. at
Children model themselves largely on
their parents. They do so mainly through identification. Children identify
(61) a parent when they believe they have the qualities and
feelings that are (62) of that parent. The things parents do
and say—and the (63) they do and say to them—strongly
influence a child’s (64) . A parent’s actions (65) affect the self image that a child forms (66) identification. Children who see mainly positive qualities in their (67) will likely learn to see t A. mature B. influenced C. unique D. independent [单项选择]全球信息网(WWW)的主要传输的通讯协议是()。
A. FTP B. HTTP C. HTML D. XMTP [单项选择]AgNO3滴定液应储存于()。
A. 白色容量瓶 B. 棕色容量瓶 C. 棕色试剂瓶 D. 白色试剂瓶 E. 棕色滴定管 [多选题]用电检查中,对互感器直观检查的重点是( )。
A.A.检查互感器铭牌参数是否与客户手册档案相符 B.检查变比选择是否正确恰当 C.检查互感器实际接线和变比 D.检查互感器的实际运行状况 [单项选择]《金匮》首篇所论的阴病指()
A. 里病 B. 虚性病 C. 寒性病 D. 脏腑病证 [单项选择]李长春同志指示:要加大全国文化资源共享工程的力度。并和()紧密结合起来,这是繁荣社会主义文化的标志性工程之一,意义重大。要结合制定文化发展纲要,将其作为重要课题。
A. 公共图书馆 B. 地区图书馆 C. 数字图书馆 D. 专业图书馆 [单选题]RS422通过两对双绞线可以全双工工作,收发不影响。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发现隔离开关过热时,应采用倒闸的方法,将故障隔离开关退出运行,如不能倒闸则应停电处理。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]邻近营业线施工的( )由铁路局集团公司施工安全监督队伍负责。
A.现场检查 B.签订安全协议 C.监督工作 D.施工申请 [判断题]可燃物、助燃物和点火源是导致燃烧的三要素,缺一不可,是必要条件。
[多选题]低压验电笔有( )三种。
A.钢笔式 B.螺丝刀式 C.感应式 D.数字显示式 [单选题](44434)允许速度vmax≤120km/h正线及到发线,钢轨为60kg/m,垂直磨耗超过()时,钢轨为重伤。
A.9mm B.10mm C.11mm D.12mm [单项选择]CT较易发现以下哪种征象,而区分良、恶性骨巨细胞瘤()
A. 骨皮质变薄 B. 骨皮质膨胀 C. 骨皮质断裂 D. 皂泡样表现 E. 骨分隔多 [判断题]草坪要按设计的标高将地面整平,排水坡度一般为0.5%-0.7%。
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