Uruguay has been a proud exception to
the privatizing wave that swept through South America in the 1990s. Its
state-owned firms are more efficient than many of their counterparts in
Argentina and Brazil ever were. In 1992, Uruguayans voted in a referendum
against privatizing telecoms. They rightly observe that some of Argentina’s
sales were smashed, creating inefficient private monopolies. And with
unemployment at 15%, nobody is enthusiastic about the job cuts privatization
would involve. That leaves President Jorge Batlle with a problem. Uruguay has been in recession for the past two years, mainly because of low prices for its agricultural exports, and because of Argentina’s woes. But public debt is at 45% of GDP, and rising. Some economists argue that privatization would give a boost to the economy, by attracting foreign investme A. Privatization is thriving in Uruguay. B. Now, referenda have less strength to change some laws. C. Uruguayan people are satisfied with the government’s actions with regard to the economy. D. The President is managing to keep the state companies efficient. [单选题]设备状态量严重超出标准或严重异常,设备只能短期运行或需要立即停役的状态属于:(____)。
A.正常状态 B.注意状态 C.异常状态 D.严重状态 [单选题]进入高压缸的蒸汽通过一个冲动式调节级和12个( )高压级(#1、2机组由于大修扩容改造高压缸内原13个反动式高压级已拆除掉1个级)
A. 反动式 B.冲动式 [单项选择]首家用于瓜菜运销服务的农产品信息网--()供销社纬龙农副产品信息网开通。
A. 江苏省 B. 海南省 C. 上海市 D. 北京市 [单项选择]在串行通信中,数据以字符为单位,组成帧进行传送,这种方式称为()。
A. 异步通信 B. 同步通信 C. 串行通信 D. 并行通信 [单选题]在潮湿场所,适宜安装( )并能在 0.1s 内动作的 RCD。
A.10 至 20m B.15 至 30m C.20 至 30m D.50 至 100m [单选题]在连续档距的导、地线上挂梯(或飞车)时,其导、地线的截面对于钢芯铝绞线和铝合金绞线不得小于()mm2。
A.70 B.95 C.120 D.150 [多选题]LTE系统中,SINR值好坏与什么有关? [2星]
A.用户终端收到的参考信号接收功率 B.频率噪声 C.噪声功率 D.干扰功率 [多项选择]下列哪些属行政单位客户()
A. 国家权力机关 B. 国家行政机关设立的政府融资平台 C. 国家审判机关 D. 国家法律监督机关 [单项选择]抗原的基本性质是()
A. 异物性和特异性 B. 免疫原性与免疫反应性 C. 抗原性与异物性 D. 理化复杂性与特异性 E. 异物性和免疫反应性 [多选题]我国海关规定,游客在海外购买了( ),无论数量多少,回国时都必须申报和交验。
A.录音带 B.杂志 C.保健品 D.烟丝 E.唱片 [填空题]
{{B}}Staying Smart: Advice
on Navigating Your Career{{/B}}
Millions of career changes occur each year. Some are natural, but many more occur in adverse circumstances. Other forces at work today further alter the work environment. The Internet tidal wave destroys existing business methods and creates new ones. Many jobs get shaken up in the process. In 1998 the momentum of the Asian economies went from fast-forward to reverse. With their appetite for new products and services, these countries had fueled economic growth all over the world. The change in their fortunes has affected and untold number of careers throughout the world. Clearly, environmental changes like these beget strategic inflection points for companies. Even more acutely, however, they bring career inflection points to the employees of those companies. {{B}}Your Career is Your Business{{/B}} Every person, [单项选择]在一些要求传输速度高,传输数据量大的人机交互设备与人机接口之间信息联络方式为 ( )。
A. 中断方式 B. DMA方式 C. 查询方式 D. 同步方式 [判断题]退费工单生成中指用户已申请退费,但退费信息未通过客户支撑系统校验,未生成退费协调单。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]钻遇碳酸盐岩气层的直接显示是:有气泡、气侵、气测全烃值高而重烃值不大等。
[单选题]患者,男,58岁,主诉中上腹不适胀痛20年,加重1个月,无反酸及黑便,体检心肺检查无特殊变化,腹平软,肝脏肋下未及,未及腹块,中上腹压痛,B超示:肝胆无特殊变化,胰腺显示不清,胃镜检查示胃黏膜红白相间,活检病理示:胃腺减少,间距增宽和中等量淋巴细胞浸润.与本病无关是( )。
A.HP感染 B.可伴有恶性贫血 C.长期吸烟和饮酒 D.血中可找到壁细胞抗体 E.高促胃液素血症 [单项选择]孕妇,32岁,孕33+3周,常规产检时胎心监护出现变异减速。胎儿最可能发生的情况是()
A. 胎儿畸形 B. 羊水过多 C. 胎头受压所致 D. 脐带方面的异常 E. 胎盘老化 [多选题]耐火极限指的是在标准耐火试验条件下,建筑构件、配件或结构从受到火的作用时起,至失去( )时止所用时间,用小时表示。
A.承载能力 B.隔火性 C.机构性 D.隔热性 E.完整性 我来回答: 提交