Despite a wave of hostile publicity,
the 1,500-phis lawsuits launched by the music industry in America since last
September seem to have had some success. Final figures for 2007 have yet to be
released, but preliminary estimates suggest that the decline that has seen
worldwide music sales fall by more than a fifth in the past four years was
arrested. Inspired by this, the industry’s lawyers launched a second wave of
lawsuits. This is just one of many defensive measures being adopted by an industry that is feeling the pressure. There has also been a round of actual and attempted mergers (合并) and alliances, and a wave of restructuring, in order to improve efficiency. EMI has tried to merge with Warner Music, and was also linked with Bertelsmann’s BMG music part. But BMG instead got together with Sony Music, while Warner Mu A. Lawsuits seem to be the only way out for a declining music industry. B. Warner Music is a very popular company in the music industry. C. EMI finally ends up linking with a private-equity consortium. D. Sony Music succeeded in merging with Bertelsmann’s BMG. [判断题]会计人员每年必须参加必要学时的继续教育,由于自学时间较难准确计算,因此会计人员继续教育的形式仅指接受培训和脱产进修。( )
A. 人工费 B. 直接成本 C. 其他直接费 D. 间接成本 [单项选择] 楼梯踏步的计算公式常为(),其中h为踏步高,b为踏步宽。 Ⅰ.h+b=600mm Ⅱ.2h+b=600mm Ⅲ.h+b=450mm Ⅳ.2h+b=450mm
A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ C. Ⅲ、Ⅳ D. Ⅰ、Ⅳ [单项选择]专门用来解决会计手工登录商品销售三级账的工作难题,其日常核算的加工对象为“销货发票”的核算业务是( )。
A. 系统初始化 B. 入库业务处理 C. 销售业务处理 D. 库存业务处理 [多选题]在低压用电设备(如充电桩、路灯、用户终端设备等)上工作,应采用()等形式,口头或电话命令应留有记录。
A.工作票或派工单 B.任务单 C.工作记录 D.口头、电话命令 [单选题]传染病的基本特征,不包括下列哪项
A. 有传染性 B. 有流行病学特征 C. 有病原体的存在 D. 有毒血症状 [判断题]大型养路机械夜间作业时,现场必须配备足够的照明设备。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]基础货币是货币当局的负债,即由货币当局所能直接控制的那部分货币,货币当局投放急基础货币的渠道主要有()。
A. 降低准备金率 B. 直接发行通货 C. 变动黄金储备 D. 变动外汇储备 E. 实行以公开市场操作为主的货币政策 我来回答: 提交