In 1987, there were over 1.5 million violent crimes reported in the United States. Most of this violence comes from aggressive people. Psychologists are trying to understand the cause of aggressive behavior that results in injury or death.
Psychologists say that extreme aggression runs in families. In other words, if your parents are very aggressive, there is a strong possibility that you will be too. A team of researchers recently studied a large group of children over a 22-year period. The researchers discovered that the aggressive children grow up to become aggressive adults. Furthermore, the males are likely to have criminal records before the age of 30. This pattern continues as the aggressive adults in turn severely punish their own children.
When a child’s aggressive behavior becomes part of his or her character, it is not easy to change. Therefore, it is important to try to prevent it before adolescence, many psychologists believe that watching viole
A. They like to watch television more than others do.
B. They are likely to give more love to their children than older parents do.
C. It is possible that they will become less aggressive when they grow up.
D. They can do harm to themselves as well as others.
There seems to be a close relationship
between drinks and one’s life. The adolescent(少年)usually loves soft drinks for their sweetness and variety. He knows nothing of sadness and his taste of life is sweetness to the exclusion of all the others. In his eyes, the world is full of facets just as soft drinks are varied in flavor. Youth sees him on a job or in love. Now, soft drinks will have to give way to coffee, which is bitter yet somewhat sweet and fragrant. It gives a stimulating sensation suggestive of maturity, appealing to him, as he is fickle and moody. At his stage, he begins his career full of ambition and ideals, on the other hand he also needs and aspires after a home of his own. However, either his work or his love affairs may bring smal A. those sweet and colorful drinks fit their happy mood B. children are not permitted to touch wines C. there are various sweet soft drinks on sales D. children have never seen all the other drinks in their eyes [单选题]当组合砌体一侧受力钢筋多于( )根时,应设置附加箍筋和拉结筋。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [判断题]列车在坡度超过4‰的接车线路停车后再开前,使用列尾查询风压,确认列车制动主管贯通后开车,不进行简略试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进行配电设备停电的营销现场作业前,应断开可能送电到营销现场作业设备各侧的所有线路(包括客户线路)断路器(开关)、隔离开关(刀闸)和熔断器,并验电、接地后,才能进行工作
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]将机箱内各板卡金手指用橡皮擦拭,去除()。
A. 氧化层 B. 杂物 C. 干扰 D. 铁锈 [单项选择]男,5岁。跌倒时左手掌着地,查体肘关节半屈状,肘部明显肿胀及压痛,皮下有瘀斑,向外突出畸形,肘后三角存在。若患儿左侧桡动脉搏动减弱,被动伸指时有剧烈疼痛。该患儿正确的治疗方案是()
A. 立即切开筋膜减压 B. 尺骨鹰嘴牵引 C. 手法复位,石膏托固定 D. 切开复位,内固定 E. 臂丛麻醉或应用血管扩张剂无效后,手术探查肱动脉,同时行骨折复位,内固定 [简答题]11月2日至11月10日,某110kV地铁轨道变单回线路检修,仅由另一回线路110kV某A线单供运行。11月8日,110kV某A线线路故障跳闸,造成110kV地铁轨道变电网侧供电全部中断,根据《国家电网有限公司安全事故调查规程》(国家电网安监〔2020〕820号),该起事件为五级电网事件。
[判断题]在特殊情况下,重联动车组不可以采用换端重联方式及动车组解编为单组运行方式进行救援处置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]成人血清钠检测值为125mmol/L,估计每公斤体重缺氯化钠的量为
A.0.25~0.45g B.0.50~0.75g C.0.80~1.00g D.1.05~1.25g E.1.30~1.50g [判断题]除了性质较稳定的金、铂、钛、铌、钽、钉、铑、锇、铱以外,其他金属都能被硝酸溶解。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,男,21岁。左上中切牙外伤3年逐渐松动。检查左上中切牙变色,Ⅲ°松动,根吸收1/2。此牙缺失后,目前最佳的修复方法是()
A. 即刻牙再植术 B. 延期牙再植 C. 牙种植 D. 异体牙移植 E. 烤瓷桥修复 [单项选择](155-158题共用题干)
A. 预防外伤 B. 长期抗生素预防感染 C. 应用激素 D. 口服维生素 E. 施行心脏手术 [简答题]通常警察在审讯犯人的时候常会说:“坦白从宽”的下半句是什么?
[判断题]根据《电力建设工程工程量清单计价规范》2016版的规定,预付款支付比例不得低于签约合同价中第一年计划投资的10%,不宜高于签约合同价中第一年计划投资的30%。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]阐述分娩的过程。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill (31) the nations and that if countries play (32) together they will learn to live together. (33) say that the opposite is true, that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably (34) truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done (35) to support the view that sports encourage international brotherhood. Not only was here the tragic (36) involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also ruined by (37) incidents caused principally by minor national contests. [多选题]起重吊装作业,起重指挥信号应( )。
A.A-简明 B.B-统一 C.C-畅通 D.D-准确 [判断题]井下爆炸物品库的炸药和电雷管必须分开贮存。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]负责对农业银行个人信用报告查询的合法、合规性进行检查的机构是________。
A.银监会 B.审计署 C.中国人民银行 D.国务院 我来回答: 提交