Questions 51-57 are based on
the following passage. Harry Houdini, who died in 1927, was the entertainment phenomenon of the ragtime era. He could escape from chains and padlocks, from ropes and canvas sacks. They put him in a strait-jacket and hung him upside down from a skyscraper and he somehow untied himself. They tied him up in a locked packing case and sank him in Liverpool docks. Minutes later he surfaced smiling. They locked him in zinc-lined Russian prison van and he emerged leaving the doors locked and the locks undamaged. They padl A. was less analytical about Houdini than one might have expected B. asked Houdini if he could include him in a Sherlock Holmes story C. felt that Houdini could make more money in other ways D. thought there were scientific explanations for Houdini’s feats [判断题]溜放煤、矸、材料的溜道中可敷设电缆。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]死亡( )人,或重伤()人,或直接经济损失()元,为重大事故;( )
A.6-14 B.20-39 C.2亿 D.1000万-2亿 [单选题]桥上进行动力稳定作业,稳定装置应( )在桥台外或桥墩处起振、停振,应根据道床情况采用合适的参数作业。
A.必须 B.尽可能 C.不必 D.不能 [单选题]风动凿岩机是以()为动力。
A.压缩空气 B.电能 C.风能 [简答题]胀轨跑道防治和处理方法?
A. 仪器包括光电感受器、微处理机和显示器三部分 B. 基本原理是血红蛋白吸收光线的能力与其含氧浓度的相关性 C. 如严重低氧,当氧饱和度低于70%时,其测定数据可能不准确 D. 因肢体活动发生接触不良时也可能有误读 E. 不论氧分压多高,SpO2均能反映PaO2的变化 [单选题]降旗时,由护旗员解开旗杆绳并将旗降下,掌旗员接于()
A. 肩 B. 手 C. 臂 D. 胸 [判断题]别人送一台路由器给你,路由器底部标签写到管理地址是192.168.199.1,但是通电后无法访问管理地址,此时可以判断路由器坏了。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于生物碱沉淀试剂的是
A. 碘化汞钾 B. 碘化铋钾 C. 硅钨酸 D. 雷氏铵盐 E. 变色酸 [单项选择] THE DIFFICULTIES OF MANAGING A SMALL BUSINESS
’’The organizational weaknesses that entrepreneurs have to deal with every day would cause the managers of a mature company to panic,’’ Andrew Bidden wrote recently in Boston Business Review. This seems to suggest that the leaders of entrepreneurial or small businesses must be unlike other manages, or the problems faced by such leaders must be the subject of a specialized body of wisdom, or possibly both. Unfortunately, neither is true. Not much worth reading about managing the entrepreneurial or small business has been written, and the leaders of such businesses are made of flesh and blood, like the rest of us.
Furthermore, little has been done to address the aspects of entrepreneurial or small businesses that are so difficult to deal with and so different from the challenges faced by management in big business. In part this is because those involved in gathering expertise about business and in selling advice to busine
A. It is wrong to assume that they are different from other managers B. The problems they have to cope with are specific to small businesses C. They find it difficult to attract staffs with sufficient expertise D. They could learn from the organizational skills of managers in large companies. [单选题]某化工公司为某跨国集团公司的子公司,集团公司董事长李某为集团公司和化工公司的法定代表人。李某长期在海外总部工作,不负责化工公司的日常工作,化工公司总经理张某自2014年12月起一直因病在医院接受治疗,张某生病期间由副总经理王某全面主持化工公司的工作,副总经理赵某具体负责安全生产管理工作。2016年5月,该化工公司发生爆炸,造成5人死亡、12人受伤。根据《安全生产法》,针对该起事故,应当以化工公司主要负责人身份被追究法律责任的是( )。
A.李某 B.张某 C.王某 D.赵某 [简答题]>什么叫轧钢?怎样分类?
A. 腰穿检查 B. X线头颅平片 C. 头CT扫描 D. MRI+MRV E. DSA [简答题]
案情:A县的甲公司与B县的乙公司于2001年7月3日签订一份空调购销合同,约定甲公司向乙公司购进100台空调,每台空调单价2000元,乙公司负责在B县代办托运,甲公司于货到后立即付款,同时约定若发生纠纷由合同履行地的法院管辖。乙公司于7月18日在B县的火车站发出了该100台空调。甲公司由于发生资金周转困难,于7月19日传真告知乙公司自己将不能履行合同。乙公司收到传真后,努力寻找新的买家,于7月22日与C县的丙公司签订了该100台空调的购销合同。合同约定:丙公司买下达100台托运中的空调,每台单价1900元,丙公司于订立合同时向乙公司支付10000元定金,在收到货物后15天内付清全部货款;在丙公司付清全部货款前,乙公司保留对空调的所有权;如有违约,违约方应承担合同总价款百分之二十的违约金。乙公司同时于当日传真通知甲公司解除与甲公司签订的合同。铁路运输公司在运输过程中于7月21日遇上泥石流,30台托运中的空调毁损。丙公司于7月26日收到70台完好无损的空调后,又与丁公司签订合同准备将这70台空调全部卖与丁公司。同时丙公司以其未能如约收到100台空调为由拒绝向乙公司付款。 [多选题]属于通风降温的措施有( )。
A.增加风量 B.改进采煤方法 C.选择合理的矿井通风系统 D.改变采煤工作面的通风方式 [单项选择]安全生产关系到最广大人民群众的切身和根本利益。因此,安全发展反映了科学发展观的本质特征是()。
A. 以人为本 B. 关注安全 C. 关爱生命 [多选题](多选题). 关于原子吸收分光光度计的表述,正确的是( )
A.光源采用空心阴极灯 B.检测器一般为光电倍增管 C.单色器中的关键部件是色散元件 D.分光系统在原子化器前面 [判断题]绿色国网与省级智慧能源服务平台集成,确保两级平台界面风格统一,用户使用体验一致。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交