Most children with healthy appetites
are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely
dislikes food (51) it is badly cooked. The way a meal is
cooked and served is most important and an (52) served meal
will often improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child whether he likes
or dislikes a food and never (53) likes and dislikes in front
of him or allow anybody else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or
the mother refuses vegetables in the child’s hearing he is (54)
to copy this procedure. Take it (55) granted that
he likes everything and he probably will. Nothing healthful should be omitted
from the meal because of a (56) dislike. At meal times it is
a good idea to give a child a small portion and let him (57)
back for a second helping rather than give him as much A. ask B. come C. return D. take [单项选择]在诉讼时效期间的最后时间内,因不可抗力或者其他障碍不能行使请求权的,称为( )。
A. 诉讼时效起算 B. 诉讼时效中止 C. 诉讼时效中断 D. 诉讼时效延长 [简答题]
Concerns about the effects of television on children are a
recurrent theme of public debate. Yet it is an area in which children’s voices
are rarely heard. Too often parental and governmental anxiety has focused on the
impact screen violence may have on young viewer’s behavior with little attention
paid to children’s own emotional responses to the moving image.
David Buckingham, a lecturer in media studies at the University of London’s Institute of Education, believes a more useful approach to understanding the role of television in children’s lives is to ask children about their own responses to horror films, "weepies", soap operas and news bulletins and to discuss with them how they make sense of what they see. Mr. Buckingham, a father of two boys aged five and nine, also believes it is important to understand how parents help or hinder their children’s understanding of television. In an attempt to throw new light on the issue, Mr. Buckin [单选题]螺丝刀的规格是以柄部外面的杆身长度和( )表示。
A.半径 B.厚度 C.直径 D.以上都不是 [简答题]什么是生物战剂?
最可能的诊断( )
A.ABO血型不合溶血病 B.Rh溶血病 C.母乳性黄疸 D.新生儿肝炎 E.生理性黄疸 [判断题]CRH380B动车组全车均有注水口盖板。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接地极每根按( )综合考虑
A. 2m B. 3m C. 0.6m D. 2.5m [判断题]《铁路旅客运输规程》是明确铁路旅客运输内部管理.的规定,不做旅客及托运人与铁路间划分权利、义务和责任。的依据。()
[多选题]灭火救援作战训练安全形势分析的主要查找( )等方面存在的问题或薄弱环节,分析原因,总结教训,制定针对性措施。
A.责任落实 B.人员编配 C.学习训练 D.装备维保 E.车辆巡查 F.行车管理 G.战术措施 H.作战安全 [简答题]进入浓烟、高温或者有毒区域搜救人员时应注意哪些安全事项?
[单项选择]城市规划管理决策技术是随着科技发展而逐步形成的,包括( )两方面。
A. 决策硬技术和决策软技术 B. 决策委员会、决策技术 C. 决策理论和决策技术 D. 数学技术、计算机技术 [判断题]起重作业时,多人捆绑,应有多人负责指挥( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]各种诊疗活动所致的医院感染的传播,常见有以下几种()
A. 血液及血制品 B. 输液制品 C. 药品及药液 D. 诊疗器械和设备 E. 一次性使用无菌医疗用品 [单选题]()可无限次操作进站或出站,用于借给本站员工大客流时处理付费区闸门误用等乘客事务时使用。
A.有边门权限的本站进出卡 B.特殊工作卡 C.无边门权限的本站进出卡 D.普通员工卡 [单项选择]关于Paget病的描述,正确的是()。
A. 导管内癌不突破基底膜 B. 导管内癌突破基底膜 C. 导管内癌沿乳腺导管累及乳头、乳晕 D. 发生于乳腺小叶的末梢导管和腺泡 E. 不属于癌 [判断题]建筑外门窗气密性检测出的单位开启缝长空气渗透量值为3.0[m3/(m·h)],则气密性属于3级指标。
[判断题]600MW超临界机组临界转换负荷点是450MW。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]职工外出培训,培训结束后再走一般裁决申请单,进行裁决申请也是可以的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]维持泌乳的关键是:
A.哺乳次数 B.母亲多食油汤 C.药物 D.哺乳的姿势 E.母亲年龄 [单选题]金属材料在一定温度条件下承受外力作用时,抵抗变形和断裂的能力称为金属材料的()性能。
A.机械 B.化学 C.工艺 D.物理 [单选题]77.配水(阀组)间协议箱通过1个RS-485通讯口(通讯口1)对下位机设备进行巡检,将()保存到微处理器的寄存器。
A.压力 B.流量 C.数据 D.信号 [多项选择]权益乘数在数值上等于( )。
A. 1+产权比率 B. 1/(1-资产负债率) C. 资产/所有者权益 D. 1/(1-产权比率) [判断题]《非居民金融账户涉税信息尽职调查管理办法》中规定,已按照个人高净值账户的要求完成尽职调查的存量低净值账户,存续期间达到高净值账户标准的,银行需按照《非居民金融账户涉税信息尽职调查管理办法》中规定重新开展尽职调查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]扑救钢结构建筑火灾,内部侦察错误的是()
A.查明被困人员的数量、位置以及受烟火威胁的程度。 B.查明着火点的位置、火势燃烧的范围、蔓延的主要方向以及对承重钢构件的威胁程度。 C.查明燃烧部位局部钢构件发生变形倒塌的可能性和危险性。 D.伸手接触燃烧部位附近的钢构件受热情况 [判断题]对照试验是检验系统误差的有效方法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]现金调拨发生的差错,调入行和调出行都必须认真追查原因,写明情况并及时上报上级业务管理部门。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]土石方施工阶段,昼间和夜间施工的噪声限值分别为( )dB(A)。
A. 75;55 B. 85;55 C. 75;75 D. 55;55 [单选题]西安地铁采用的齿轮箱吊杆类型为( )。
A.倾斜吊挂----开槽螺母锁紧方式 B.倾斜吊挂--橡胶关节方式 C.垂直吊挂方式、上下缓冲橡胶 D.倾斜吊挂、上下橡胶关节 我来回答: 提交