When Andrew Chadwick-Jones, a
management consultant with Oliver Wyman in London, went to a
private-equity(私募股权) firm late last year, he expected the usual: about 20
minutes and an unfriendly attitude. He was surprised to find the private-equity
people instead explaining their strategy, offering introductions to senior staff
and being more open and friendly. "Now that money and deals are lack, they’ve
got to be nicer to all the people they interact with, and they might help bring
business in future," he says. Rudeness is out, and politeness is the new rule in an uncertain world. The former kings of rude behavior -- Masters of the Universe bankers, private-equity chiefs -- have been humbled. On Wall Street, says a hanker, "it’s now all about charm and openness and taking time with people." Proud young things straight o A. There are less people straightly graduating from the business school. B. There are less people looking down upon others in party. C. There are less people liking sparing their time with others. D. There are more people putting on airs when contacting with others. [多选题]危险化学品仓库是指储存( )等危险物品的专业仓库。
A.易燃 B.易爆 C.毒害 D.腐蚀 [判断题]史某将19周岁的林某强奸后迫使其卖淫,还强迫13周岁的甄某卖淫。史某的行为构成强迫卖淫罪。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]移动车辆时,应将平台收回,作业平台上不得载人。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]同一固体材料中,在给定频率下产生波长最短的波动形式是纵波。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]农民工工资专用账户和工资保证金,是指有关单位在银行业金融机构开设的农民工工资专用账户和工资保证金账户中存储的专项用于支付为本项目提供劳动的农民工工资的资
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《道岔综合维修验收评分标准》规定:连续抽查50块橡胶垫板或橡胶垫片失效超过8%,每超( )扣1分。
A.2% B.1% C.3% D.2.5% [判断题]正压式空气呼吸器不属于个人防护装备。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]锯电缆以前,必须与电缆图纸核对是否相符,并确切证实电缆无电后,用接地的带木柄的铁钎钉入电缆芯后,方可工作。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于咳嗽用药需整片吞服,不可嚼碎的是
A. 苯丙哌林 B. 右美沙芬 C. 喷托维林 D. 右美沙芬复方制剂 E. 可待因 [单项选择]下列硫化物中,不能被Na2S抑制的是()。
A. 黄铜矿 B. 黄铁矿 C. 闪锌矿 D. 辉钼矿 [多选题] 票务台账填写要求?()
A.车票、现金、票据、票务钥匙及其他票务备品的收、发、存均应建立相关台账,并确保账实相符。 B.台账的填写必须真实、准确、清晰、完整,如实反映票务情况。 C.票务台账填写错误时,采用“划线更正法”处理。 D.台账作废时,不需要加盖“作废”戳记,不得撕毁。" [单项选择]下列关于公文功能的说法中错误的是( )。
A. 公文是行政机关之间纵横向联系的手段 B. 公文具有较强的政策性和理论性 C. 公文是社会活动的真实记录 D. 公文用于规范人们的行为,具有强制约束力 我来回答: 提交