For several years, scientists have been testing a substance called interferon (干扰素), a potential wonder drug that is proving to be effective in treating a variety of ailments, including virus infections, bacteria infections, and tumors. To date, the new drug has provoked no negative reaction of sufficient significance to discourage its use. But in spite of its success, last year only one gram was produced in the entire world.
The reason for the scarcity lies in the structure of interferon. A species of specific protein, the interferon produced from one animal species cannot be used in treating another animal species. In other words, to treat human beings, only interferon produced by human beings may be used. The drug is produced by infecting white blood cells with a virus. Fortunately, it is so powerful that the amount given each patient per injection is very small.
Unlike antibiotics, interferon does not attack germs directl
A. Interferon has serious side effects, whereas antibiotics do not.
B. Interferon is available in large supply, whereas antibiotics are not.
C. Antibiotics are very effective, while interferon is not.
D. Antibiotics kill germs by attacking them directly, while interferon does not.
Long-married couples often schedule a
weekly "date night"—a regular evening out with friends or at a favorite
restaurant to strengthen their marital bond. But brain and behavior researchers say many couples are going about date night all wrong. Simply spending quality time together is probably not enough to prevent a relationship from getting stale. Using laboratory studies, real-world experiments and even brain-scan data, scientists can now offer longmarried couples a simple prescription for rekindling the romantic love that brought them together in the first place. The solution Reinventing date night. Rather than visiting the same familiar haunts and dining with the same old friends, couples need to tailor their date nights around new and different activities that they both enjoy, says A A. To find their friends to chat in a cafe. B. To have a walk and talk about their future plans. C. To take a training class together. D. To go to see a movie they both enjoy. [判断题]( )无论什么原因使线路断开都应保证自动重合闸装置自动重合闸动作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]证券交易所的从业人员诱骗投资者买卖证券的,撤销其证券从业资格,并处以()的罚款。
A.1万元以上3万元以下 B.1万元以上5万元以下 C.3万元以上10万元以下 D.3万元以上20万元以下 [单选题]移动通信网交换子系统的短消息中心的主要功能是接收、存储和( )用户的短消息。
A. 保存 B. 记录 C. 转发 D. 回转 [单选题]( )101.必须采用Ⅲ类手持式电动工具的场所是()。
A.狭窄管内 B.潮湿地面 C.混凝土地板 D.户外气温高于30℃ [单选题]肺换气的动力为( )。
A.呼吸运动 B.呼吸膜两侧气体的分压差 C.肺内压与大气压之差 D.肺内压与胸内压之差 E.肺的弹性回缩力 [单选题]登杆前,应对脚扣进行( )。
A.人体载荷冲击试验 B.人体静载荷试验 C.人体载荷拉伸试验 [单项选择]地质雷达法检测衬砌砼质量,在特殊地段或条件不允许时可采用点测方式,测量点距不得大于()。
A. 50cm B. 20cm C. 100cm D. 30cm [单项选择]根据《刑法》的规定,下列行为中构成资敌罪的是:
A. 战时供给敌人武器装备 B. 为敌人提供军用物资 C. 战时为敌人提供情报 D. 资助武装叛乱、暴乱 [判断题]认识事物的量可以把事物区分开。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某次考试,张、王、李、陈四人的成绩统计如下; 张、王、李平均分为91分; 王、李、陈平均分为89分; 张、陈平均分为95分, 那么张得了多少分( )
A. 95 B. 76 C. 94 D. 98 [判断题]()用电设备的金属外壳()应作保护接地或保护接零。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]两部IRU使用的主用电源是什么 ?
A.L1和R1汇流条 B.115Vac C.机长和副驾驶的 28V仪表 汇流条 D.电瓶 [单选题]422考题
【单选题】对电机内部的脏物及灰尘清理,应用【】。 A.布上沾汽油、煤油等抹擦 B.用压缩空气吹或用干布抹擦 C.湿布抹擦 [单项选择]食品从原料到成品应实行()。
A. 四隔离 B. 四不制度 C. 四过关制度 D. 四定办法 [填空题]“造型•表现”学习领域是指运用(),表达情感和思想,体验造型乐趣,逐步形成基本造型能力的学习顿域。
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