首先应行的检查是( ){{B}}
Problems of the Elderly{{/B}} Gerontologists (老年人问题学者) study how old people are treated within a society and how the elderly deal with the inevitable problems of aging, particularly those involving health and income. Health problems include normal losses in hearing, eyesight, and memory, and the increased possibility of chronic(慢性的)diseases. These losses are gradual and proceed at different rates for each individual. In general, the health of old people today is better than that of earlier generation — a condition that is likely to improve Still further as more people receive better medical care throught their lives. Because most old people are no longer in the labor force, a steady source of income is necessary. Systems of pensions and benefits are characteristic of indust A. They often show high spirits. B. They often display satisfaction with life. C. They feel sad and lonely. D. They often display feelings of self-worth. [单选题]下列( )动态消息编码为带名字ASN.1编码方式。
A.M0 B.M1 C.M2 D.M3 [单项选择]()是人民民主,其实质和核心是人民当家作主。它是社会主义的生命, 也是创造人民美好幸福生活的政治保障。
A. 富强 B. 民主 C. 文明 D. 和谐 [名词解释]辩护制度
[单选题]The young people of the present day are beyond my comprehension.
A.现在的年轻人超出了我的综合判断。 B.现代年轻人比我的理解力强。 C.当今的年轻人使我无法理解。 D.我真弄不懂当今的年轻人。 [多项选择]综合布线可以分为基础型、增强型和综合性,以下哪些不是这3种综合布线系统的主要区别()
A. 每个工区内信息插座数目 B. 连接硬件的方式 C. 每个工作取得干线线缆数目 D. 支持话音和数据服务所采用的方式在移动和重新布局时实施线路管理的灵活性 [单项选择]不属于减少机载电子设备电磁干扰的方法有是()
A. 接地 B. 搭接 C. 屏蔽 D. 涂层 我来回答: 提交