A particular area in which assumptions
and values differ between cultures is that of friendship. Friendships among
Americans tend to be shorter and less intense than those among people from many
other cultures. At least many observers from abroad have this impression.
Because Americans are taught to be self-reliant, because they live in a very
mobile society, and for many other reasons as well, they tend to avoid deep
involvement with other people. Furthermore, Americans tend to "compartmentalize"
their friendships, having their "friends at work", "friends at school", a
"tennis friend", and so on. Americans often seem very friendly, even when you
first meet them. This friendliness does not usually mean that the American is
looking for a deeper relationship. The result of these attitudes and behaviors is sometimes viewed by forei A. approving B. critical C. biased D. objective [多选题]存款凭证挂失后,该账户可以进行()。
A.冻结 B.扣划 C.质押 [单项选择]建设项目可行性研究报告的主要内容是( )研究。
A. 市场研究、技术研究和风险预测 B. 市场研究、技术研究和效益 C. 经济研究、技术研究和综合 D. 经济研究、技术研究和资源 [单选题]不需贮于棕色具磨口塞试剂瓶中的标准溶液为( )。
A.I2 B.Na2S2O3 C.HCl D.AgNO3 [多选题]以下哪些属于营销线损管理工作稽查大纲中线损人员保障体系建设检查内容?
A.A.各级营销专业线损管理人员配置是否到位 B.是否列支降损专项资金(项目) C.是否建立线损专家团队 D.是否建立知识库、降损经验总结和典型案例库 [多项选择]根据刑事诉讼法有关立案的规定,下列做法正确的是;
A. 某甲,路遇一起抢劫案,向人民法院报案的,人民法院告诉他此案不属于人民法院管辖,请他去公安机关报案 B. 某乙,被邻居打伤,向公安机关报案,公安机关告诉他应该提起自诉案件,请他向人民法院起诉 C. 某村民委员会发现该村有人虐待遗弃老人,于是向公安机关机关举报,公安机关接受了举报 D. 某丙因与他人发生口角,一怒之下用随身携带的水果刀将他人刺伤,事发后,某丙向人民检察院自首,人民检察院接受其自首 我来回答: 提交