Perhaps the most familiar plant
movement belongs to one species of mimosa called the sensitive plant. Within
seconds, it can lower its leaves and make its tiny leaflets close up like
folding chairs. This movement is thought to be initiated by electrical impulses
remarkably similar to nerve signals in animals. But without the animals’
sophisticated motion machinery, the mimosa has had to be creative in devising a
way to move. For motion, the plant depends on tiny, bulb-shaped organs located at the base of each leaf stalk and leaflet. Called pulvini, these organs hold the plant parts in place. When the mimosa is stimulated—say, by a crawling insect or a sudden change in temperature—an electrical impulse sweeps through the plant. This causes potassium and then water to be shifted from certain cells in the pulvini to others, quickly turning one side of the o A. settle a dispute B. evaluate a claim C. provide an illustration D. point out a difference [填空题]CR400AF型动车组一级检修轮缘高度:()mm≤h≤33mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]正弦交流电是大小和方向都在变化的电流。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]()的计算机峰值性能为可达到数千亿次/秒及以上,主要用于大型科学与工程计算和大规模数据处理。
A. 专用计算机 B. 巨型计算机 C. 微型计算机 D. 小型计算机 [单项选择]Mr. Frank needs no introduction from me, ______.
[单选题]目前最先进的红外热像仪,其温度灵敏度可达()℃。( )→中
A.005 B.006 C.008 D.01 [单项选择]能否实施有效的城市规划管理,必须熟悉行政效能知识和掌握提高行政效能方法。对城市规划管理来说,在行政效能中尤其要注重提高()
A. 管理效益 B. 管理效率 C. 管理效能 D. 管理质量 [单选题]化脓性阑尾炎行阑尾切除术,术后3天切口红肿,有脓性分泌物,10天后再次缝合而愈合,切口愈合类型应记为
A.Ⅱ/乙 B.Ⅱ/丙 C.Ⅲ/甲 D.Ⅲ/乙 E.Ⅲ/丙 [单项选择]总会计师主管本单位财务会计工作对( )。
A. 所有会计人员负责 B. 单位主要行政领导人负责 C. 企业董事会负责 D. 会计机构负责人负责 [单选题]1 下列不能判处死刑的罪名是()
A. 走私武器弹药 B. 故意杀人 C. 绑架 D. 贩卖毒品 [单选题] 路基排水设备分为地面排水设备和地下排水设备两种。( ) (1分)
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]救生艇筏设计为自由漂浮功能的,其从存放地脱开应是()。
A. 可调的 B. 自动的 C. 手动的 [单选题]将二进制数10110转化为十进制数是( )
A.32 B.22 C.23 D.9 [单选题]
我行代理的保险产品中不属于低风险产品的是 A. 前海聚源宝两全保险(分红型) B. 上海人寿稳赢今生养老年金保险 C. 吉祥人寿臻爱传家终身寿险 D. 人保财险机动车综合商业保险 [简答题]下列属于滑行引导标记牌的包括:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]男性,20岁农民,4天前突然发冷、发热,最高体温达39℃以上,伴头痛,查T39℃,结膜充血,皮肤散在充血性斑丘疹,肝脾大,外斐变形杆菌OX19,凝集试验阳性,出血热抗体试验阴性,最可能的诊断
A.地方性斑疹伤寒 B.伤寒 C.钩端螺旋体病 D.恙虫病 E.流行性出血热 [判断题]更换夹板作业时,应卸下夹板螺栓,取下夹板,清除钢轨上的污垢、铁锈,给螺栓丝扣、夹板与钢轨接触面涂油,检查钢轨是否有裂纹,确认钢轨无裂损,装上新夹板,并注意内外口是否需要调换使用,如有必要,应进行调换。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述市场营销调查类型有哪些?
[单项选择]A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, most have in mind a(n) "__26__ home". But in general, and especially for the student or new wage earners, there are practical limitations of cash and location on achieving that idea.
Cash __27__, in fact, often means that the only way of __28__ when you leave school is to stay at home for a while until things __29__ financially. There are obvious __30__ of living at home—personal laundry is usually still done along with the family wash; meals are provided and there will be a well-established __31__ of friends to call upon. And there is __32__ the responsibility for paying bills, rates, etc.
On the other hand, much depends on how a family gets on. Do your parents like your friends You may love your family— 33 do you like them Are you prepared to be
A. concerns B. issues C. advantages D. problems [单选题]中共十八大提出,我国到2020年的奋斗目标是
A.实现“四个现代化” B.基本实现现代化 C.全面建设小康社会 D.全面建成小康社会 [单选题]下列关于新民主主义革命的动力的说法中,错误的是
A.选项A无产阶级是中国革命最基本的动力 B.选项B民族资产阶级是中国革命的主要对象 C.选项C农民是中国革命的主力军 D.选项D城市小资产阶级是无产阶级的可靠同盟者 [单选题]三级风险作业应以()和数字标注。
A.橙色 B.黄色 C.红色 D.绿色 [多项选择]甲、乙签订行纪合同,甲委托乙购买红富士苹果1万斤。当时市场价为0.5元/斤,正好乙手中有红富士苹果2万斤,遂以每斤0.5元价格将自己的1万斤红富士苹果卖给甲,下列陈述正确的是( )。
A. 乙可以自己作为出卖人 B. 乙不可以自己作为出卖人,否则,构成自己代理 C. 乙可以要求甲支付报酬 D. 如果甲明确表示反对的,则乙不能作为出卖人 [单选题]我国商业银行操作风险管理的核心问题是?
A.信息系统升级换代 B.合规问题 C.员工的知识、技能培养 D.公司治理结构的完善 我来回答: 提交