When an invention is made, the inventor
has three possible courses of action open to him: he can give the invention to
the world by publishing it, keep the idea secret, or patent it. A granted patent is the result of a bargain made between an inventor and the state, by which the inventor gets a limited period of monopoly (垄断) and publishes full details of his invention to the public after that period terminates (终止). Only in most exceptional circumstances is the life-span of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events. The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi: his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuitry was extended until 1971 because for most of the patent’s normal life there was no color TV to receive and thus no hope of reward for the invention. Because a patent remains permanentl A. most new ideas are, in fact, as old as hills. B. it is the reduction to commercial practice that makes news and money C. many of the original ideas behind TV originated earlier D. Volkswagen rear engine car originated from a cart with the horse at the rear [单项选择]珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血()
A. 遗传性膜缺陷 B. 血红蛋白病 C. 获得性膜缺陷 D. 免疫因素 E. 物理因素 [单项选择]You should act ______ the advice of your doctor.
A. to B. on C. at D. as [单项选择]肱骨干中段骨折后主要的并发症是()。
A. 臂丛神经损伤 B. 肩关节功能障碍 C. 肱动、静脉损伤 D. 肱二头肌骨化性肌炎 E. 桡神经损伤 [单项选择]通式为RCOOR的化合物属于()。
A. 胺 B. 酰胺 C. 酮 D. 酯 [单项选择] Memory Class
Stan Field knows what age can do to a person’’s memory, and he’’s not taking any chances with his. He chooses his food carefully and gets plenty of exercise. He also avoids stress, coca cola and cigarette smoke.
What’’s more, at breakfast each morning, the 69-year-old chemical engineer swallows a plateful of pills in the hope of boosting his brain power.
Michelle Amove is less than half Field’’s age, but no less concerned about her memory. While working round the clock to finish a degree in film studies, the 33-year-old New Yorker had the alarming sensation that she had stopped retaining anything. "I couldn’’t even remember names," she says. "I thought, Oh, no, I’’m over 30. It’’s all downhill from here. " Besides loading up on supplements, Amove signed up for a memory enhancing course at New York’’s Mount Siani Medical Center. And when she got there, she found herself surrounded by people who were just as worried as she was.
A. More demand for coca cola and cigarettes. B. More demand for seminars on memory. C. More demand for memory-enhancing supplements. D. More demand for books on memory. [多项选择]从近代法制史看,资产阶级革命后英国法的变化有()。
A. 国会立法权得到强化,确立了“议会主权”原则,制定法地位提高 B. 内阁成为最高行政机关 C. 普通法和衡平法在内容上得到充实,并被赋予资产阶级的含义 D. 行政立法得到了加强 [单选题]下列物质中不能用亚硫酸氢钠法测定其含量的是()。
A.丙酮 B.甲醛 C.环己酮 D.乙醛 [填空题]传染科病人由于被隔离,容易产生什么心理()。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]由出票人签发的,委托付款人在指定日期无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据是()。
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