Watching movie stars light up on screen may increase
the odds a child or young teen will try smoking, study findings
suggest. In this latest study, researchers at Dartmouth Medical School in Lebanon, New Hampshire found that the odds of a child smoking increased in tandem (一前一后,紧密相连) with the number of films with smoking scenes he or she had seen. This pattern remained regardless of other smoking risk factors such as having parents or friends who smoked, poor school performance or a self-reported "rebellious" nature. Dr. James D. Sargent and his colleagues report the findings in the December 15th issue of the British Medical Journal. In response to the findings, the British Medical Association (BMA) called on the UK film industry to "stub out" on-screen smoking. "When smoking is glamorized in movies A. movie stars smoking on screen may initiate children to imitate them B. violence on screen may lead youth to form bad behaviors C. media play the most important role in influencing children’s beliefs and actions D. whether on-screen smoking can lead children to smoking has not yet been proved [单选题]维生素A、D缺乏常致:()
A.夜盲症、佝偻病 B.佝偻病、脚气病 C.干眼症、坏血病 D.脚气病、坏血病 [单选题]起吊前应检查起重设备及其安全装置;重物吊离地面约()cm时应暂停起吊并进行全面检查,确认良好后方可正式起吊。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]
C16型敞车的换长为()。 A. 1.0 B. 1.1 C. 1.2 D. 1.3 [单选题]现场防护员在防护期间要认真监听电台,根据( )的通知及时通知现场作业人员下道避车。
A.监控干部 B.驻站联络员 C.施工负责人 D.车站值班员 [单项选择]在一般情况下,A类物品的库存控制策略应为 ( )
A. 严密控制,每月检查一次 B. 一般控制,每三月检查一次 C. 自由控制 D. 无法确定 [单选题]、在区间线路进行不影响行车安全的作业,不需要以停车信号或移动减速信号防护时,应在作业地段两端500~1000m处列车运行方向左侧(双线在线路外侧)的路肩上设置( )。
A.移动减速标 B.作业标 C.移动停车信号标 D.特殊移动减速信号标 [单选题]单选题: 下列不属于安全生产管理人员的是()。
A.企业主要负责人 B.项目负责人 C.专职安全生产管理人员 D.机械管理人员 [填空题]The most important thing when a buyer comes to look at your car is that the car makes ___________________.
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