Benefits of Educating
Girl{{/B}} The benefits of educating girls are numerous --to individual girls both when they are young and when they become adult women, to their future families, and to society as whole. Education enables women to contribute more fully to the social and economic development of their societies. A girl’s education is also an investment in future generations. The more educated a mother is, the more likely are her children --particularly her daughters -- to roll and stay in school. The higher level of education attained by women is strongly associated with lower child death. Experts believe more educated women practice better hygiene and nutrition(营养),use health services more frequently, and surviv A. good health B. frequent visits to health services C. better utilization of nutrition D. management of family resources [简答题]论述硼酸盐和硅酸盐玻璃结构的桥氧对其结构和性能的影响。
[单项选择]以下各项中,不属于对异议处理仍有异议的处理的是( )。
A. 向当地中国人民银行征信管理部门申请在个人信用报告上发表个人声明 B. 向中国人民银行征信管理部门反映 C. 向经常往来的商业银行反映 D. 向法院提起诉讼,借助法律手段解决 [简答题]在带电作业过程中如设备突然停电,作业人员可转为停电作业。
[单选题]用万用表测量电阻时,黑表笔接表内电源的( )。
A.两级 B.负极 C.正极 [单项选择]
回油式喷油泵中可能发生穴蚀的部位是() A. ①② B. ③④ C. ②③ D. ①④ [单选题]窃电者应按所窃电量补交电费,并承担补交电费(____)倍的违约使用电费。
A.五 B.三 C.二 D.一 [填空题]消防工作贯彻预防为主、防消结合的方针,坚持政府统一领导、部门依法监管、单位全面负责、公民积极( )的工作原则,实行防火安全责任制。
A. 见证取样检测 B. 施工预先检测 C. 施工质量检测 D. 竣工验收检测 [判断题]消防员晋升消防救援衔的批准权限,按照中国人民共和国消防救援衔条例规定执行
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题](28062)( )电力机车轮轨间的黏着力随牵引力的增大而增大。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]关于可再生能源发展政策的说法,正确的有()
A.国家环保部门编制全国可再生能源开发利用规划 B.扶持在电网未覆盖的地区建设可再生能源独立电力系统 C.鼓励清洁、高效地开发利用生物质燃料 D.鼓励和支持农村地区的可再生能源开发利用 E.鼓励单位和个人安装和使用太阳能热水系统 [名词解释]信息服务业
·Look at the list below. It shows the titles of office files in a manufacturing company. ·For questions 6-10, decide which file (A-H) each person at the bottom of the page should look at. ·For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. ·Do not use any letter more than once.
Files{{/B}} Ms Kay has to find some missing documentation for an export order.A. Sales figures B. Customer contact information C. Complaints about faulty goods D. Product details E. Publicity expenditure F. Service agreements G. Shipping H. Human Resources [单项选择]( )是保障从业人员人身安全与健康的重要措施,也是保障生产经营单位安全生产的基础。
A. 使用劳动防护用品 B. 进行安全检查 C. 为劳动者进行健康检查 D. 监督检查 [单项选择]甲向乙借款,并将其财产一件交给乙作为担保,一旦甲未按期还款,乙可以将该财产折价或拍卖优先受偿。这种担保方式是()
A. 抵押 B. 质押 C. 留置 D. 定金 [单选题]检查曲臂梯状态检测装置:在平台中位状态下,把曲臂梯打开,曲臂收回至与水平夹角65°时,应能限制曲臂收和伸臂落动作;把曲臂梯合上,曲臂能够收回到臂架支架上。
A.对 B.错 我来回答: 提交