There are some that would argue that
hospitals are no place for dogs, while they are wrong. At least according to new
research reported at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2005.
For people hospitalized with advanced heart disease, it is better to have
visitors than to lie quietly alone. But one type of visitor seems to be
especially beneficial, researchers reported on Tuesday. That visitor is a dog.
In the first controlled study of the effects of pet therapy in a random sample
of acute and critically ill heart patients, anxiety as measured on a standard
rating scale dropped 24 percent for those visited by a dog and a human
volunteer, by 10 percent for those visited by a volunteer alone and not at all
for those with no visitors. Similar results were found in measures of heart and
lung function. The senior autho A. Involve pet therapy into normal cures. B. Feed pets in every family. C. Use the dogs in scientific research. D. Avoid patient’s encounter with dogs. [判断题]在缸径 D > 100mm 柴油机上基本均采用直喷式燃烧室。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法测定水中铬所用的试剂主要有铬标准溶液、显色剂、()
A.磷酸及磷酸溶液 B.磷酸及盐酸溶液 C.硫酸及磷酸溶液 D.磷酸及醋酸溶液 [判断题]遇力线在电信线杆顶上交叉跨的特殊情况时,工作人员的头部可以超过电线
杆顶。( ) A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]熔断器选择,主要选择( )。
A.熔断器形状 B.熔断器形式 C.额定电流 D.额定电压 [多选题]进口肉类现场查验工作包括:_______。
A. 运输设备查验 B. 箱体内部查验 C. 货物查验(包装及标识查验、感官查验) D. 抽样检测(有要求时) [单选题]与婴儿沟通是通过( )两种主要方式来实现的
A.语言沟通与非语言沟通 B.游戏交流与生活协助 C.观察与思考D.抚摸与微笑 [判断题]半永久牵引杆的连挂和解编都需要人工来操作完成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]主销品牌一般由()个品牌构成。
A. 1—2 B. 2—4 C. 1—3 D. 1—5 [单项选择]“建立有利于可持续发展的投入机制”运用的是( )手段。
A. 行政 B. 经济 C. 科技 D. 法律 [判断题]法人或者其他组织终止,无财产可供执行,又无义务承受人的,行政机关应当中止执行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]心理治疗的频率一般是()
A. 每周1次 B. 每周2次 C. 每个月1次 D. 每个月2次 E. 每个月3次 [判断题]电缆孔洞,应用防水材料严密封堵。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每个装有药品的瓶子上均应贴上( ),并分类存放。禁止使用没有标签的药品。
A.A.明显的标签 B.B.合格证 C.C.保质期 [单项选择]低压成套开关设备CCC证书中主母线In(额定电流)指组柜中的哪部分的电流()
A. 主母线、控制柜 B. 主母线、馈电柜 C. 主母线、出现柜 D. 主母线、进线柜 [判断题]648移动触电者或将其送往医院途中应暂时中止抢救。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]检测巨噬细胞吞噬功能的试验是
A.NBT还原试验 B.炭粒廓清试验 C.斑蝥发泡试验 D.趋化试验 E.溶血空斑试验 我来回答: 提交