After retirement from medical research,
my wife and I built our home in a gated community surrounded by yacht clubs and
golf courses on Hilton Head Island. But when I left for the other side of the
island, I was traveling on unpaved roads lined with leaky cottages. The
"lifestyle" of many of the native islanders stood in shocking contrast to my
comfortable existence By talking to the local folks, I discovered that the vast majority of the maids, gardeners, waitresses and construction workers who make this island work had little or no access to medical care. It seemed outrageous to me. I wondered why someone didn’t do something about that. Then my father’s words, which he had asked his children daily when they were young, rang in my head again: "What did you do for someone today" Even though my father had died several years A. Buying the medical equipment. B. Finding the land and the office. C. Decorating the building that would become the clinic. D. Getting a special license for the retired doctors. [简答题]试述桥涵承受的主要荷载。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]辙叉翼两条垂直裂纹相加,长度达60mm以上时应及时更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国管公积金批贷的时间为()
A. 5-7工作日 B. 7-10工作日 C. 15-20工作日 [单选题]俯仰正常法则失去,会对横滚轴产生什么影响:
A.横滚正常法则被横滚备用法则代替 B.横滚正常法则保持不变 C.横滚正常法则被横滚直接法则代替 [单项选择]心力衰竭最好控制多久再进行择期手术( )
A. 1~2周 B. 3~4周 C. 6~8周 D. 3~6个月 E. 1年 我来回答: 提交