To try to bring context back, Hueter
and Burgess teamed with NOAA and Sea Grant to hold a press conference in the
spring of 2002 at the National Press Club. "We wanted to try to get the press to
adopt some rules of engagement," Hueter says. "We wanted them to calm hysteria,
use perspective and write more articles not focusing on attack." Burgess and Hueter stress sharks’ importance in the ecological balance and health of the oceans, which depend on complex food webs involving every sea creature. Just like apex land predators, sharks are important in that balance. "They’re a top predator and few in number," Hunter says. "When they’re eliminated, there’s nothing to fill in that place." More than 100 million sharks are killed each year by fishermen, which can devastate certain species that grow slo A. they have teeth and can bite. B. they are invisible predators. C. TV shows and movies create a false sense of society. D. they attack along with other water-related features. [单项选择]课的类型是由( )决定的。
A. 教师备课 B. 课的种类 C. 学生的学习过程 D. 教学的阶段性 [填空题] 电客车供电电压为( ),波动范围( )。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [简答题]油气从生油层进入储集层后的第二次运移称为油气的二次运移。
A.50 B.100 C.150 D.200 [单项选择]
患者男性,53岁。因“右侧耳鸣伴进行性听力下降2年”来诊。查体:神清语利,双侧瞳孔等大等圆约3mm大小,光反射灵敏;粗测右侧听力有明显下降,右侧角膜反射减退,双侧额纹、鼻唇沟等深,抬额、闭目、鼓腮、吹口哨可,示齿嘴角稍向左歪斜,Rinne试验:右侧气导>骨导,Weber试验:偏左侧;右侧咽反射减退,Romberg征(+);颈软,四肢活动可,肌力及肌张力正常。既往史无特殊。颅脑CT平扫示:右侧桥小脑角占位性病变,脑干及第四脑室受压。 按照Hannover听神经瘤分级,该患者的分级为()A. T2 B. T3A C. T3B D. T4A E. T4B [单选题]远程费控是指依托费控电能表进行电量计量,计量自动化上传表码数据到()进行计费。
A.计量自动化系统 B.营销系统 C.GIS系统 D.协同办公系统 [多项选择]房地产市场的法律制度环境包括()等。
A. 土地制度 B. 住房制度 C. 宏观金融政策 D. 交易制度 E. 城市发展政策 [单选题]肺气肿时,其主要症状是()
A.突然出现呼吸困难 B.夜间阵发性呼吸困难 C.逐渐加重的呼吸困难,以活动后为著 D.发绀 E.心悸 我来回答: 提交