What is the typical American family (21) Married American adults will name their husband or wife and their children (22) their "immediate family"(直系家庭). If they (23) their father, mother, sisters, or brothers, they will define them as separate units, usually (24) in separate households. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents are (25) "extended family"(扩大的家庭).
The structure of the American family has undergone great changes (26) the 1950s. Traditionally, the American family (27) been a nuclear family, consisting (28) a husband, a wife, and their children. Grandparents (29) live in the same home with their (30) sons and daughters.
In the 1950s, 70 percent of American households (31) the "classic" American family—a husband, wife, and two children. The father earned the money to (32) the family, the mother (33) the children and did not work
A. speak
B. mind
C. motion
D. mention
Assuming that a constant travel-time
budget, geographic constraints and short-term infrastructure constraints persist
as fundamental features of global mobility, what long-term results can one
expect In high-income regions, (21) North America, our
picture suggests that the share of traffic (22) supplied by
buses and automobiles will decline as high-speed transport rises sharply. In
developing countries, we (23) the strongest increase to be in
the shares first for buses and later for a A. inherent B. evident C. large-scale D. hidden [单项选择]男性,24岁,发热,咽痛2天,体检T:38.5℃,咽部充血,扁桃体无肿大,双肺无湿啰音。外周血白细胞不高。胸片无异常。该病人最可能的病原体是()。
A. 肺炎支原体 B. 肺炎衣原体 C. SARS病原体 D. 溶血性链球菌 E. 病毒 [不定项选择题]A.狼疮性肾炎
A.急进性肾炎 B.肾炎性肾病 C.Alport综合征 D.紫癜性肾炎 E.女孩,10岁,双下肢大小不等出血性皮疹2周,伴关节肿痛,尿蛋白++,红细胞30~40个/HP( ) [多选题]查验app上报的查验结果数据,( )或( )时发现与实际车辆查验情况不一致时,可通过此功能将查验数据修改为正确结果。
A.A.事前稽查 B.B.核对数据 C.C.事后稽查 D.D.复核数据 [单项选择]在神经纤维瘤病Ⅰ型中最常见的中枢神经系统肿瘤为()
A. 视网膜母细胞瘤 B. 听神经瘤 C. 视神经胶质瘤 D. 脑膜瘤 E. Wilms瘤 [判断题]10.BA005采用正循环压井,若遇高压油气井,在压井过程中应用闸门控制进出口量。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]当固定桥两端固位力不相等时会引起()
A. 一端基牙的骨吸收 B. 一端基牙的松动 C. 一端固位体的磨耗 D. 一端固位体的松动 E. 整个固定桥的弯曲 [单选题]输血传播的疾病中,不包括
A.疟疾 B.乙型肝炎 C.艾滋病 D.丙型肝炎 E.甲型肝炎 [多选题]以下可以用作消防泵的是:
A.卫生水泵 B.舱底泵 C.燃油增压泵 D.燃油驳运泵 [单选题]为成人进行人工呼吸对的吹气量为
A.lO0~200ml B.300~400ml C.500~600ml D.700~1 100ml E.1 200~1 500m1 [判断题]地、县公司调控中心及时通报抢修驻点、抢修范围及联系人方式等变化情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]饲料级丙酸钠中钠鉴别方法是取样品0.5g溶于10ml水中,取此试液数滴,加乙酸氧钾锌试液数滴。即产生白色沉淀。
[单选题]拆除和恢复接地线由( )进行。
A.工作领导人 B.操作人 C.监护人 D.值守人员 [单选题]下列哪一种病可用捻法治疗:( )
A.A、高血压病 B.B、痛经 C.C、癃闭 D.D、痹证 [判断题]一部机器可能由一个或多个机构组成。: ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]根据停车位置及区域不同,车门非正常打开分为区间非正常打开、站线非正常打开二类,其中站线非正常打开分为列车对位准确和列车部分车厢停留在站台两种情况。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动车组(电力机车)一旦发生带电过( ),列车应在前方站停车。
A.锚段 B.分相 C.分段 D.线岔 [简答题]环境除尘个别防爆阀开,请分析原因并制定预防措施
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()的各位对应相应的中断源,如果允许该中断源中断则该位置(),禁止中断则该位置()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在锅炉升火期间或燃烧( )时,不可站在看火门.检查门或喷燃器检查孔的正对面。
A. 旺盛 B. 不稳 [单选题]
我厂#5、#6发电机额定频率 fn()。 A.49Hz B.50Hz C.48Hz D.51Hz [判断题]经单位批准,可在油漆未干的结构或其他物体上进行焊接。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列单位销售的矿产品中,应该按规定缴纳资源税的有( )。
A. 采煤企业销售的原煤 B. 油田出售的天然气 C. 盐业公司销售的食盐 D. 盐场销售的卤水 我来回答: 提交