The United States is well-known for its network of
major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the
shortest possible time. (51) these wide modern roads are
generally smooth and well maintained, with (52) sharp curves
and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most (53)
one. Large highways often pass by scenic areas and interesting small
towns. Furthermore, these highways generally (54)
large urban centers which means that they become crowded with heavy traffic
during rush hours, (55) the "fast, direct" way becomes a
very slow route. However, there is almost always another route to take (56) you are not in a hurry. Not A. Although B. Since C. Because D. Therefore [判断题]消防知识中“三懂”为:懂火灾的危害性、懂火灾的扑救方法、懂灭火器的性能。
A. 闘って B. 勝って C. 戦って D. 争って [多选题]体外循环包括以下哪些?( )
A.将回心的静脉血从上、下腔静脉或右心房引出体外 B.在人工心肺机内进行氧合和排出二氧化碳 C.气体交换后,再由血泵输回体内动脉继续血循环 D.气体交换后,再由心脏输回体内动脉继续血循环 [不定项选择题]A.桃仁,牡丹皮,芒硝
A.赤芍,牡丹皮,甘草 B.大黄,芒硝,赤芍 C.大黄,桃仁,甘草 D.大黄,赤芍,牡丹皮 E.大黄牡丹汤的组成中含有的药物是 [多项选择]检索语言按适用范围可划分为()。
A. 综合性语言 B. 多学科语言 C. 专业性语言 D. 主题语言 [单选题]偏瘫患者床旁坐起操作程序错误的是
A.患者侧卧位(健侧、患侧卧位均可) B.鼓励患者用患侧上肢支撑 C.帮助者先将患者双下肢置于床旁 D.帮助者一手托住患者肩部,另一手按于患者位于上方的骨盆 E.帮助者抬起下方的肩部,以骨盆为枢纽转移成坐位 [单项选择]用0.05mmX10mm的塞尺检查自动开关合闸时,动静触头的接触面积不应小于触头面积的()。
A. 90% B. 80% C. 85% D. 70% [判断题]相位模糊度是指本地载波的不确定性造成的输出不确定。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在正确处理改革的阶段性目标和总体目标的关系中,必须按照从实际出发,全面部署、重点突破、分步实施、协调推进的要求进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肛裂的主要临床表现是()。
A. 脓血便 B. 便血 C. 便秘 D. 流脓 E. 周期性疼痛 [多项选择]党的十三大明确指出社会主义初级阶段包括两层含义()
A. 是我国社会已经是社会主义社会 B. 是我国社会的生产力还很落后 C. 是我国社会的生产关系还很落后 D. 是我国的社会主义社会还处在初级阶段 [判断题]排洪涵洞净高(或内径)大于等于 1.0m 时,长度不宜超过 15m。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]长期停用或新领用的电动工具应用()V的绝缘电阻表测量其绝缘电阻,如带电部件与外壳之间的绝缘电阻值达不到()MΩ,应进行维修处理。
A.1000;2 B.500;3 C.1000;3 D.500;2 E.略 F.略 [判断题]文氏管的作用除尘、降温。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]请简述下线质量标准中清客下线的定义?
A. 竞争能力 B. 企业和产品的市场地位 C. 销售能力 D. 生产能力 [多选题]方案比较的方法很多,应根据项目的具体情况来选择。当有明显资金限制时,一般宜采用以下哪些方法?( )
A.差额内部收益率法 B.经济效益费用比法 C.经济净年值法 D.经济净现值率法 [单选题]《铁路客运运价规则》第十四条规定,旅客票价是以每人每千米的票价率为基础,按照旅客旅行的距离和不同的列车设备条件,采取( )的办法确定。
A.递远递增 B.递远递减 C.通算 D.按区段计算 [单选题](44793)缓和曲线的线形不包括( )。
A.螺旋线形 B.圆曲线形 C.三次抛物线形 D.更多级的抛物线形 [单选题]关于石膏固定的护理下列哪项是错误的是( )
A.观察血运 B.皮肤护理 C.功能锻炼 D.石膏内疼痛,及时使用有效止痛药物 [单项选择]
It has been justly said that while" we speak with our vocal organs we (1) with our whole bodies." All of us communicate with one another (2) , as well as with words. Sometimes we know what we’re doing, as with the use of gestures such as the thumbs-up sign to indicate that, we (3) . But most of the time we’re not aware that we’re doing it. We gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and (4) . These actions we (5) are random and incidental. But researchers (6) that there is a system of them almost as consistent and comprehensible as language, and they conclude that there is a whole (7) of body language, (8) the way we move, the gestures we employ, the posture we adopt, the facial expression we (9) , the extent to which we touch and the distance we stand (10) each other. 我来回答: 提交