The biggest danger facing the global
airline industry is not the effects of terrorism, war, SARS and economic
downturn. It is that these blows, which have helped ground three national flag
carriers and force two American airlines into Chapter 11 bankruptcy, will divert
attention from the inherent weaknesses of aviation, which they have worsened. As
in the crisis that attended the first Gulf war, many airlines hope that traffic
will soon bounce back, and a few terrible years will be followed by fuller
planes, happier passengers and a return to profitability. Yet the industry’s
problems are deeper—and older—than the pain of the past two years
implies. As the 100th anniversary of the first powered flight approaches in December, the industry it launched is still remarkably primitive. The car industry, created not long after the Wright Brothe A. (A) are the effects of various disasters B. (B) are actually not fully recognized C. (C) are attracting a lot of attention D. (D) are not the real cause of airlines’ bankruptcy [填空题]GM·BG-150高压脉冲轨道变压器应用于()与移频双制式轨道电路、高压脉冲与移频双叠加轨道电路,与高压脉冲电抗器配合,作为()使用。
[单项选择]关于价格总指数的派氏计算公式,下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 以基期数量为同度量因素 B. 以基期价格为同度量因素 C. 以报告期数量为同度量因素 D. 以报告期价格为同度量因素 [判断题]职业病鉴定实行两级鉴定制,省级职业病鉴定结论为最终鉴定。
A. 使用国有资金投资的项目 B. 公用事业项目 C. 使用国际组织资金的项目 D. 国家融资项目 [单选题]醋酸镁反应的条件是
A.甲氧基蒽醌 B.甲基蒽醌 C.α-酚羟基蒽醌 D.甲基蒽酮 E.β-酚羟基蒽醌 [判断题]各级行在开展普惠小微业务时,根据企业实际情况,在风险可控和满足其他条件的前提下,不对他行融资余额做强制性要求,不以此限制准入,但在授信、用信调查评估过程中要综合判断,包括其他融资涉及的金融机构数量和他行融资余额等,避免重复融资、过度授信和“垒大户”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对管子进行弯曲时,为了避免变形部分发生凹瘪,变形前必须在管内填充( ),并用木塞塞紧。
A.泥土 B.水 C.干沙 D.木屑 [单项选择]{{I}}Questions 22-25 are based on the following monologue.{{/I}}Which of the following is the factor that determines human beings’ psychological space needs
A. Economic factors. B. Pressure in life. C. Individual preference. D. Cultural preference. [填空题]南岭是长江水系和()水系的分水岭,武夷山是长江水系和()水系的分水岭。
A.蒲公英 B.穿心莲 C.鱼腥草 D.白花蛇舌草 [单选题]机车起动,注意信号的鸣笛鸣示方式为()。
A.A、一长声 B.B、二长声 C.C、三长声 D.D、二长一短 我来回答: 提交