(93~95题共用题干) 男性,56岁。3年来进行性加重劳动后心悸、气短,多次出现夜间睡眠中呼吸困难,需坐起后缓解。半年来感腹胀、食欲下降、尿少、下肢水肿。既往无高血压、糖尿病、高血脂症。查体:P88次/分,BP130/70mmHg,半卧位,颈静脉怒张,双肺底可闻及湿啰音,心前区搏动弥散,心界向两侧扩大,心率110次/分,心律不整,心音强弱不等,P2>A2,心尖部可闻及3/6级收缩期吹风样杂音,肝肋下2.0cm,肝颈静脉反流征(+),下肢水肿(++)。
该患者最可能的诊断是()。 Some futurologists have assumed that
the vast upsurge of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage.
Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The
converse of this concern is that the prospects of becoming a multi-paycheck
household could encourage marriage. In the past, only the earnings and financial
prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning
ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show
that economic downturns tend to putting off marriage because the parties cannot
afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the
economy comes to life, the number of marriages also rises. The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong A. men would choose working women as their marriage partners B. more women would get married to seek financial security C. even working women would worry about their marriages D. more people would prefer to remain single for the time being [多选题]参与公司系统所承担电气工作的外单位或外来工作人员在工作前,设备运维管理单位应告知( )。
A.A.作业时间 B.B.现场电气设备接线情况 C.C.危险点 D.D.安全注意事项 [单选题]避免手部皮肤接触有机溶剂,应采取( )措施。
A. 佩带胶皮手套 B. 使用金属容器来盛装溶剂 C. 佩带胶皮手套及用防腐蚀金属容器盛装溶剂 [单项选择]急性阑尾炎病人的非手术治疗的适应证为
A. 化脓性或坏疽性阑尾炎 B. 小儿的急性阑尾炎 C. 慢性阑尾炎急性发作 D. 阑尾穿孔并弥漫性腹膜炎 E. 阑尾炎性包块 [简答题]《普速铁路线路修理规则》规定,轮缘槽宽度的量取位置与( )量取位置相同。
[多选题]10kV电缆附件根据制作工艺分,常见的有( )。
A.热缩式电缆附件 B.冷缩式电缆附件 C.预制式电缆附件 [填空题]风电场工作人员应熟练掌握触电、窒息急救法,熟悉有关烧伤、烫伤、外伤、气体中毒等急救常识,学会正确使用( )器材、( )工器具和( )工器具。
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