Today, we have the longest peacetime
expansion in our history. After years and years of deficits, we now have budget
surpluses for years ahead. More people have a chance to realize the American
Dream than ever before. More children have a chance to realize their full
potential than ever before. We’ve laid a foundation to preserve our
prosperity for future generations. Now, as the budget deadline rapidly approaches this year, we face many of the same tough choices again. And once again, I think the answer is clear: To build a strong nation in the new century, we must continue to invest in our future. That means we must strengthen social security, secure and modernize medicare, and pay off the national debt in fifteen years, making America debt-free for the first time since 1835. And once again, it means we must invest in education, not sacrifice it. A. Congress B. composed of common voters C. a group of public-school administrators D. a group of contributors to the Democratic Party [单选题]欲配制密度为1.06 g/cm3的钻井液200 m3,需密度为2.0 g/cm3的黏土( )。
A.24 t B.18 t C.16 t D.20 t [单选题]患者因中毒给予5%碳酸氢钠250ml静脉滴注,滴注将完时,患者突然手足抽搐,此时首要的抢救措施是( )
A.吸氧 B.压舌板插入上下磨牙之间 C.地西泮肌肉注射 D.10%葡萄糖酸钙静脉注射 E.苯妥英钠肌肉注射 [多项选择]对实名投诉、举报的,受理口头投诉、举报的工作规范()。
A. 认真登记、记录 B. 向举报人宣读或者交举报人阅读 C. 经确认无误后,由举报人签名或者盖章 D. 严格遵守保密制度的规定 [单选题]城乡规划法和城市规划编制办法明确规定,控制性详细规划是( )规划。
A.具体 B.法定 C.程序 D.规范化 [判断题]发生两相触电危害比单相触电更严重。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]列车在CTC等级下运行时‘失去定位’将转换到()控制等级。
[单选题]以下哪些属于BOM基本组成结构( )。
A.车票发行单元、站员操作屏、桌面读卡器 B.车票发行单元、站员操作屏、车票回收模块 C.站员操作屏、桌面读卡器、纸币找零模块 D.桌面读卡器、纸币找零模块、车票回收模块 [单项选择]治疗大动脉炎不正确的是()。
A. 介入治疗 B. 血管搭桥术 C. 控制感染 D. 应用周围血管扩张药,改善微循环药物 E. 免疫抑制剂环磷酰胺为首选药物 [单选题]欲配制1000mL 0.1mol/L HCl溶液,应取12mol/L的盐酸(ρ=1.19g/cm3)体积为( )
A.0.84mL B.8.4mL C.1.2mL D.12mL [单选题]开设保证金账户的企事业单位必须首先在我行开设()。
A.结算账户 B.定期账户 C.临时账户 D.专用账户 [单项选择]
A. 呼吸道传染病 B. 肠道传染病 C. 自然疫源性疾病 D. 性传播疾病 E. 烈性传染病 我来回答: 提交