Contacts (交往) between Japan and the
rest of the world have grown a great deal in the twentieth century. In the last
thirty years, business contacts between Japan and the West have become very
important. Many foreign companies now have offices in Japan and Japanese
businessmen do business around the world. Differences between Japanese and Western ways of doing business, however, often bewilder the foreign businessman and make doing business in Japan difficult for foreigners. The American businessman, for example, wants to start talking business immediately. He wants quick decisions. He does not wait. The Japanese, on the other hand, likes to arrive at decisions gradually after giving them a great deal of thought. Another thing foreign businessmen have difficulty in understanding is when a Japanese means "Yes" or "No". A. American businessmen do things more quickly than Japanese ones B. American businessmen like to say "Yes" and "No" C. Americans usually say what they are thinking D. Americans do not express themselves clearly [单选题]春秋战国时期,首开私人办学的是( )
A.孔子 B.墨子 C.老子 D.庄子 [判断题]货币的职能包括价值尺度、流通手段、贮藏手段、支付手段和世界货币,其中两个最基本职能是价值尺度和贮藏手段。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]调查岗“用信管理”可查询客户用信详情,及____。
A.借据详情信息 B.合同详情信息 C.借据影像资料信息 D.借据还款计划信息 [单选题]紧急停车信号显示( )。
A.展开红旗下压数次 B.绿色灯光下压数次 C.展开的绿色信号旗在下方左右摇动 D.展开的绿色信号旗下压数次 [简答题]乘坐火车时应注意哪些问题?
[多选题] 下列行为可以认定为自首的是( )。
A. 犯罪嫌疑人自动投案并如实供述自己的罪行 B. 犯罪嫌疑人作案后,在主观不情愿的情况下,家人规劝陪同至公安机关投案,其能如实供述自己的罪行 C. 被采取强制措施的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人和正在服刑的罪犯,如实供述司法机关还未掌握的他人罪行的 D. 犯有数罪的犯罪嫌疑人如实供述所犯数罪中部分犯罪的,其如实供述部分犯罪的行为 [多选题]在省公司组织的本单位岗位竞聘中落聘的人员,( ),或( ),( )。
A.协议离岗 B.易岗易薪 C.下降一个岗位层级 D.提前退出领导职务 [填空题]邪入于腑,();邪入于脏,舌即难言,口吐涎。
A.《陈旉农书》 B.《农桑辑要》 C.《王祯农书》 D.《农政全书》 [单项选择]“大实有羸状”的病机是()
A. 邪气亢盛,正气衰败 B. 脏腑气血虚极 C. 实邪结聚,阻滞经络,气血不能外达 D. 邪热炽盛,煎熬津液,阴精大伤 E. 疾病初期,正邪交争过于激烈 [单选题]散流器平送的送风方式,如果房间的面积较大,可采用几个散流器对称布置,对各散流器的安装要求是( )。
A.各散流器的间距一般在3-6m,散流器的中心轴线距墙一般不小于1m B.各散流器的间距一般在1-2m,散流器的中心轴线距墙一般不小于0.5m C.各散流器的间距一般在3~4m,散流器的中心轴线距墙一般为2m D.各散流器的间距一般为8m,散流器的中心轴线距墙一般为0.2m [简答题]设定品类宽度需要考虑哪些因素?
[单选题]《功率因数调整电费办法》规定:160 kVA及以上的高压供电工业用户执行功率因数标准为( )。
A.0.9 B.0.85 C.0.8 D.0.95 我来回答: 提交