Jo was the most popular boy in the
school. He was tall and strong, with dark brown hair and green eyes and the
sweetest smile. He was good at all sports and he was top of his class. There was keen competition among the girls to attract his attention. Yet, Jo was nice to all of them, even the plain, shy ones but he didn’t have a steady girlfriend. Ella was the only one who didn’t seem to have any romantic interest in him; she treated him friendly and the others didn’t consider her as rival. But she knew him very well. Jo and Ella were the best friends. They talked about their problems, exchanged ideas, gave advice to each other and played jokes on each other occasionally. One day, Jo didn’t go to school. He stayed away for a week, then the news [单选题] 电气化线路调整曲线超高时,单股起道量不得超过()mm。
A.10mm B.11mm C.20mm D.30 mm [判断题]依据《江苏省房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程施工招标评标入围、报价评审和预选招标规则》(苏建招办(2017)7号),“预选招标”方法中,直接确定承包人是指直接分配项目。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]铁路消防工作必须做到 "三懂"是指( )。(应知应会-《消防安全知识》)
A.懂得预防火灾的措施 B.懂得安全防范 C.懂得火灾得扑救方法 D.懂本岗位火灾危险性 [填空题]档案保管期限分为( ) 。 支队 以上单位应编制本单位文件材料归档范围和文书档案保管期限表, 经上级单位审查同意后执行 。
[单选题]长期卧床病人预防足下垂畸形的措施是 ( )
A. 禁止踝关节的活动 B. 使踝关节长期处于跖屈 C. 抬高患肢 D. 睡软床 E. 经常做踝关节的主动或被动锻炼 [单项选择]焊接切割过程中,若发生回火时,应采取的措施是()。
A. 立即关闭焊,割炬乙炔阀,然后再关闭氧气阀。 B. 立即先关闭焊,割炬氧气阀,然后再关闭乙炔阀。 C. 立即将焊割炬放入水中 D. 立即关闭氧气瓶阀 [单选题]成果创新类表彰,省公司级单项上限40个,原则上()公司不再组织开展;
A.县供电公司 B.地市公司 C.地市县级 D.业务支撑单位 [简答题]新中国成立后关于文书和档案工作的第一个法规性文件是什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《中国人民银行金融消费者权益保护实施办法》(中国人民银行令〔2020〕第5号)规定,金融消费者仅可以本人提出投诉,不可以委托他人代为提出投诉。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交