A. "For decades, the cognitive and neural sciences have treated mental processes as though they involved passing discrete packets of information in a strictly feed-forward fashion from one cognitive module to the next or in a string of individuated binary symbols--like a digital computer," said Spivey. "More recently, however, a growing number of studies, such as ours, support dynamical-systems approaches to the mind. In this model, perception and cognition are mathematically described as a continuous trajectory through a high-dimensional mental space; the neural activation patterns flow back and forth to produce nonlinear, self-organized, emergent properties--like a biological organism."
B. The computer metaphor describes cognition as being in a particular discrete state, for example, "on or off" or in values of either zero or one, and in a static state until moving on. If there was ambiguity, the model assumed that the mind jumps the gun to
It is appropriate on an anniversary of
the founding of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes. It is
equally appropriate at such time for students to (21) why
they have been chosen to attend and to consider how they can best (22)
the privilege of attending. At the least you as students can hope to become (23) in subject matter which may be useful to you in later life. There is, (24) , much more to be gained. It is now that you must learn to exercise your mind su A. any B. one C. another D. no [单选题]以下()事项需集团公司工务部牵头批准、确定或同意。
A.区间线路平面及纵断面变动 B.改变房建设备使用环境和用途 C.渡槽跨越铁路 D.专用线接轨工程 [单项选择]国务院有权任免的行政领导职务是()。
A. 国务院各部部长 B. 国务院各部副部长 C. 各省省长 D. 各省副省长 [多选题] 凡能引起可燃物质燃烧的热能称为着火源,着火源类型有:( )。
A.明火 B.电气火 C.雷电产生的火花 D.化学反应热 [单选题]要道还道时,昼间“三道”手信号的显示方式为()。
A.两臂左右平伸 B.右臂向上直伸 C.两臂向上直伸 D.右臂向右上方,左臂向左下方各斜伸45°角 [单项选择]甲、乙、丙共有一套房屋,其应有部分各为1/3。为提高房屋的价值,甲主张将此房的地面铺上木地板,乙表示赞同,但丙反对。下列选项哪一个是正确的
A. 因没有经过全体共有人的同意,甲乙不得铺木地板 B. 因甲乙的应有部分合计已过半数,故甲乙可以铺木地板 C. 甲乙只能在自己的应有部分上铺木地板 D. 若甲乙坚持铺木地板,则需先分割共有房屋 [单项选择]建立坐标系的坐标轴和实际坐标轴不平行,那么()坐标系
A. 不能建立 B. 需要平移 C. 需要旋转 [单选题]某高层印刷厂,耐火等级为一级,厂房内任一点至最近安全出口的直线距离不应大于( )m。
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [单项选择]20世纪20—30年代由吕西安费弗尔和马克布洛赫开创,二战后由费尔南布罗代尔、夏尔莫拉泽等人全面发展而形成的历史学派是()。
A. 新社会史学派 B. 计量史学 C. 年鉴派史学 D. 口述史学 [填空题]
Saridon is a combination of analgesic (止痛的) and antipyretic
(退热的) substances. Its components are carefully balanced to give rapid relief of
pain (e. g. headache, toothache, etc. ) which lasts for several hours.
Single dose: adults: 1—2 tablets; children of school age: 1/2—1 tablets. Saridon should not be used by children under 12 unless advised by the doctor. The single dose may be repeated three times in 24 hours. The tablets may be taken whole and washed down with large volumes of water or other suitable liquid. Analgesics (止痛剂) should not be taken for prolonged (持续的) periods of time or in high doses without consulting a doctor. Saridon is usually well tolerated. In some cases occasional sensitive skin reactions have been observed. With Saridon, as with other analgesics, patients should avoid taking alcohol while under treatment, since the individual response cannot be foreseen. The medicine should not be use [单项选择]喜润恶燥,以通降为和的脏腑是()。
A. 肺 B. 胃 C. 小肠 D. 大肠 E. 肾 [单选题]英文缩写ROM的中文名译名是( )。
A.高速缓冲存储器 B.只读存储器 C.随机存取存储器 D.优盘 [单项选择]南方某市,于夏秋季节中午前后,城市上空常常出现浅蓝色烟雾,不少居民纷纷诉说眼睛红肿、流泪、咽喉疼痛及咳嗽。在此种情况下,当地CDC应当急速检测大气中何种有害物质的含量
A. SO2 B. CO C. NOx D. 总氧化剂或O3 E. 颗粒物 [判断题]为测量儿童身高,在候车室、出站口、检票口、列车端门口必须涂有测量儿童身高的标准线。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 四川省高级人民法院出台《关于进一步加强失信被执行人联合惩戒推进四川诚信建设的意见》。该《意见》规定:对于违背诚信的行为人,在招标投标、项目审批、公务员或事业单位工作人员准入方面依法予以严格限制或禁入。请谈谈你对这一规定的看法?
[单项选择]估算建筑工程费时,建筑工程费占建设投资比例较大的项目,可采用( )。
A. 单位建筑工程投资估算法 B. 单位实物工程量投资估算法 C. 概算指标投资估算法 D. 朗格系数法 [判断题] 大型拆除作业必须编制施工方案,必要情况下应当组织专家进行论证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交