As long as we have been on earth, we have used
the sea around us. We take from the ocean and we give (41)
it. We take fish from the ocean — millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to (42) millions of people. We even use (43) bones for fertilizer and meal. We take (44) from the ocean. One way to get salt (45) sea water in a shallow basin and leave it (46) it evaporates. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation — iodine (碘), magnesium(镁), and bromine(溴), to (47) a few. Much gold and silver drift (48) in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not (49) them up by simple evaporation. Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges(海绵), and seaweed. Pearls become jewelry. (50) sponges become cleaning aids. Seaweed becomes (51) of many kinds — A. in B. up C. to D. for [名词解释]《社会静力学》
A.《施工安全协议书》 B.相关合同 C.《消防安全协议书》 D.《保密安全协议书》 [单项选择]以下关于相对危险度(RR)的叙述,错误的是()
A. 相对危险度的本质是率比 B. 相对危险度是流行病学病因调查的测量指标 C. 相对危险度具有疾病预防和公共卫生意义 D. 病例对照研究中,常用比值比来估计相对危险度 E. 相对危险度与归因危险度密切相关 [判断题]镁粉与水作用不会产生氢气。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]留存取证网页信息时,直接将页面整体另存为( )格式,或利用软件拷屏,包括图片、文字信息、发帖账号、时间、阅读量、点击量、跟帖量等。
A.MHT B.RAR C.JPG D.EML [多选题]职工有下列情形之一的,不得认定为工伤或者视同工伤:();
A.因犯罪或者违反治安管理伤亡的; B.醉酒导致伤亡的; C.自残; D.自杀; E.患职业病的; [判断题]传输系统分插复用设备的接入信号的接口包括符合G.703、IEEE802.3或STM—N接口。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]能直接用海水浇灌而对其几乎没有损害的草坪草种是()。
[单选题]正线上用什么设备作为次级检测设备,用于降级模式下的轨道占用检测( )。
A.区域控制器 B.轨道电路 C.计轴 D.波导管 [多项选择]架空送电线路的某铁塔位于高土壤电阻率地区,为了降低接地电阻,宜采取下列哪些措施?()
A. 采用接地模块 B. 在接地沟内换填黏土(套黏土) C. 采用垂直接地体 D. 加大接地体的直径 [单选题]生物学研究表明,遗传信息的载体是()。
A.细胞 B.染色体 C.细胞核 D.RNA [单项选择]导引线保护有很好的选择性,并能保护线路的()。
A. 全长的60% B. 全长的70% C. 全长 D. 全长的80% [单项选择]Passage Two
Reading leadership literature, you’d sometimes think that everyone has the potential to be an effective leader.
I don’t believe that to be true. In fact, I see way fewer truly effective leaders than I see people stuck in positions of leadership who are sadly incompetent and seriously misguided about their own abilities.
Part of the reason this happens is a lack of honest self-assessment by those who aspire to (追求) leadership in the first place.
We’ve all met the type of individual who simply must take charge. Whether it’s a decision-making session, a basketball game, or a family outing, they can’t help grabbing the lead dog position and clinging on to it for dear life. They believe they’re natural born leaders.
Truth is, they’re nothing of the sort. True leaders don’t assume that it’s their divine (神圣的) right to take charge every time two or more people get together. Quite the opposite. A great leader will assess each situation on its meri
A. Being able to take prompt action when chances present themselves. B. Having a whole-hearted dedication to their divine responsibilities. C. Having a full understanding of their own merits and weaknesses. D. Being able to assess the situation carefully before taking charge. [单选题]空气过剩系数系数过小,煤气燃烧( )。
A.不完全 B.完全 [单选题]配电终端当使用蓄电池作为后备电源时,应具有远程/定期( )功能。
A.电池活化 B.电源切换 C.电池转换 D.电源轮换 [判断题]目前,邮件已经成为病毒传播的最主要途径之一。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列联轴器属于“固定式刚性联轴器”的有( )
A.套筒联轴器 B.凸缘联轴器 C.齿轮联轴器 D.十字联轴器 [多项选择]患者,男,51岁,在某基层医院行鼻中隔矫正及下鼻甲部分切除术时因鼻腔出血严重未完成手术即行鼻腔填塞,术后2天抽出鼻腔填塞物后患者又再度出血,行前鼻孔填塞后止血效果仍然不佳,且患者全身情况逐渐衰竭,遂转至某大医院,转入时,患者神志模糊,不时从口中吐出血液,测血压为70/50mmHg。对该患者应特别了解有无下述病史,并做相应检查以明确病因()。
A. 高血压 B. 肝炎 C. 血液病 D. 药物过敏史 E. 头部外伤 F. 心肌梗死 我来回答: 提交