Text 4
Could money cure sick health-care systems in Britain, which will be the place to look for proof in 2003. The National Health Service (NHS), which offers free health care financed by taxes, is receiving an emergency no-expense-spared injection of cash. By 2007, total health spending in Britain will reach over 9 % of GDP——the same share France had when it was rated the world’s best health service by the World Health Organization in 2000.
The Labor government’s response was not to conduct a fundamental review about how best to reform health care for the 21st century. Rather, it concluded that shortage of money, not the form of financing or provision, was the main problem. In 2002, Gordon Brown, the powerful chancellor of the exchequer, used a review of the NHS’S future financing requirements to reject alternative funding models that would allow patients to sign up with competing insurers and so exercise greater control over
A. more extravagantly.
B. more cautiously.
C. more consistently.
D. more reasonably.
In a way, all of us are on a spaceship,
the planet Earth. We move around the sun (36) 18 miles per
second and never stop. On our spaceship we have five billion people and a
limited supply of air, water, and land. The (37) have to be
used carefully because we can’t buy new air, water, or land from (38)
else. The environment on our planet is a closed system: nothing new is ever added. Nature (39) its resources. Water, for example, evaporates and (40) as visible drops to form clouds. This same water returns to the Earth as rain or snow. The rain that falls today is actual A. at B. with C. in D. on [单选题]《安徽省农村商业银行系统银行股权质押贷款管理办法》规定,农商银行应建立股权质押管理监测台账,在符合资质的股权托管机构进行( ),提高股权管理的规范性。
A.A、股权集中管理 B.B、股权集中托管 C.C、股权分散管理 D.D、股权分散托管 [单项选择]某拖拉机厂电工张某自恃技术熟练,在检修电路时不按规定操作,造成电路着火,部分设备被烧毁,损失4万余元。张某的行为构成:()
A. 失火罪 B. 破坏生产经营罪 C. 玩忽职守罪 D. 重大责任事故罪 [单选题]调车作业由( )单一指挥。
A.调车领导人 B.调车指挥人 C.连结员 [单选题]营业机构要及时处理小额支付系统贷记来账挂账业务,确认有误的,应在()个工作日内退回发起行;对于经确认具备入账条件的,最迟在( )处理完毕。
A.2,当日 B.2,下一工作日上午11:00前 C.2,下个营业日 D.1,当日下午16:30 [单项选择]直肠癌最主要的转移途径是
A. 血液转移 B. 淋巴转移 C. 腹腔内种植 D. 肠腔内种植转移 E. 直接蔓延 [单项选择]已有定义语句:int x=3,y=0,z=0;,则值为0的表达式是 ( )
A. x&&y B. x C. x D. !((x<y)&&!z [单选题](51549)《铁路旅客运输服务质量标准》规定,新型空调快速列车开车前( )分钟车内温度达到规定标
准,茶炉水开。(1.0分) A.50 B.40 C.30 D.20 [多选题]在电气化铁路线路上作业,拨道作业:线路中心位移一次不得超过( ),一侧拨道量年度累计不得大于( ),并不得侵入建筑限界。拨道量超出上述规定时,应事先通知供电部门调查确认,满足调整要求后配合作业。
A.30mm B.40mm C.120mm D.150mm [单项选择]下列哪种活动可改善患者腕关节功能()
A. 挂线 B. 套圈 C. 乒乓球运动 D. 下棋 E. 拧螺钉 [简答题]简述我国社会主义教育目的的基本点。
A. 中心 B. 边缘 C. 两端轴承 D. 气体 [单选题]反常呼吸运动常见于
A. 多跟多处肋骨骨折 B. 开放性气胸 C. 血气胸 D. 张力性气胸 E. 闭合性气胸 [单项选择]某企业为国家认定的高新技术企业,8月份取得收入500万,该企业应纳所得税是()
A. 75 B. 50 C. 125 D. 100 [单项选择]易性症病程至少多久才能确诊()
A. 3个月 B. 半年 C. 1年 D. 2年 E. 5年 [简答题]进行动态水平和速度分析分别运用哪些指标?
A. 3月14日 B. 3月20日 C. 3月17日 D. 3月10日 [单项选择]青春前期牙周炎的发病特点,哪一项不准确
A. 外周血中性粒细胞或单核细胞功能低下 B. 牙周破坏速度快,牙齿松动 C. 只累及乳牙 D. 牙龈炎症程度不同,可有深牙周袋 E. 可伴有中耳炎及其他感染 [多项选择]( )可开展价值工程活动。
A. 投资大的项目 B. 复杂的项目 C. 重复生产的产品或项目 D. 工程预算限制严的项目 E. 潜力大的项目 我来回答: 提交