Critics and supporters of the United
Nations have sometimes seen worlds apart. But since last year, almost all of
them, whether multilateralist or unilateralist, American or European, have come
to agree that the organization is in crisis. This week, a blue ribbon panel
commissioned by the body’s secretary-general, Kofi Annan, released its report on
what to do about it. The U. N. ’s sorry state became most obvious with the Iraq war. Those favoring the war were furious that after a decade of Security Council resolutions, including the last-chance Resolution 1441 threatening "serious consequences" if Iraq did not prove its disarmament, the U. N. could not agree to act. Anti-war types were just as frustrated that the world body failed to stop the war. But Iraq was not the U. N.’s only problem. It has A. have a veto B. be permanent C. be elected again every four years D. comprise 9 members [判断题]转角杆中心桩位移值的大小只受横担两侧挂线点间距离大小的影响。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]伤员脱离电源后,对伤者有无脉搏的判断应同时触摸两侧颈动脉。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题] 各车间负责监控VOCs治理设施运行管控情况不包括()
A. 发现活性炭、吸附剂饱和,滤膜失效等情况立即更换 B. 损坏设备返厂维修 C. 记录环保设施运行维护台账 D. 使用过程中设备和仪器的损坏报设备部维修 [简答题]水泵起动后应对电机进行哪些检查?
[多选题]水域救援中,救援舟艇严禁( )作业。
A. 超员 B. 超载 C. 舷外机动力不匹配 D. 无证驾驶 [多选题]下列对无缝道岔应满足的技术要求说法正确的是( )
A.固定型辙叉接头冻结应采用高强度螺栓,扭矩应保持1100~1400 N•m B.导轨、辙叉、心轨、翼轨的扣件扭矩应保持120~150 N•m C.尖轨及其前后各25 m范围内的基本轨扣件扭矩应保持60~80 N•m D.床保持饱满,扣件保持紧固状态,达到轨下基础稳定、纵向无爬行、横向无横移 [判断题]《上海铁路局旅客列车车辆乘务人员突发疾病、漏乘等特殊情况应急处置预案》(上铁辆〔2016〕399号)规定:旅客列车始发或运行途中,当发生车辆乘务人员突发疾病无法继续值乘时,应及时安排该乘务员下车救治,列车可无车辆乘务组值乘。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交