李某自有房屋1间,2005年5月1日与王某签订一份为期3年的房屋租赁合同,由王某承租该房。同年8月6日孙某向李某提出愿意购买该房屋,李某即将要出卖该房屋的情况告知了王某。到了11月7日王某没有任何答复,李某与孙某协商以5万元的价格将该房卖给孙某,双方签订了房屋买卖合同,孙某支付了全部房款。但在双方准备办理房产变更登记前数日,李某遇赵某,赵某愿以 6万元价格买下该房屋。李某遂与赵某又签订了一份房屋买卖合同,且双方第二天即到房屋管理部门办理了变更登记。不久,赵某向银行贷款,以该房设定抵押。现就本案例回答以下问题。 |
In sixteenth-century Italy and
eighteenth-century France, waning prosperity and increasing social unrest led
the ruling families to try to preserve their superiority by withdrawing from the
lower and middle classes behind barriers of etiquette. In a prosperous
community, on the other hand, polite society soon adsorbs the newly rich, and in
England there has never been any shortage of books on etiquette for teaching
them the manners appropriate to their new way of life. Every code of etiquette has contained three elements: basic moral duties; practical rules which promote efficiency; and artificial, optional graces such as formal compliments to, say, women on their beauty or superiors on their generosity and importance. In the first category are considerations for the weak and respect for age. Amo A. inspire his lady to perform valiant deeds B. perform deeds which would inspire romantic songs C. express his love for his lady from a distance D. regard his lady as strong and independent [名词解释]入渗系数
A. 月牙形 B. 黑球状 C. 西北方 D. 踊跃移动 [单选题]机件向不平行于基本投影面的平面投射所得的视图称为( )。
A.后视图 B.主视图 C.俯视图 D.斜视图 [单项选择]墙体砌筑时,在预留构造柱位置旁的两侧墙体上竖向每隔()留一皮砖高的无砂浆竖缝。
A. 50mm B. 500mm C. 100mm D. 1000mm [多项选择]下列关于子网掩码说法正确的是()
A. 是用于确定IP地址中的网络ID和主机ID B. 用于将一个大的IP网络划分为若干小的子网络 C. 子网掩码由32位(4个字节)表示 D. 通过修改子网掩码可以改变网络ID和主机ID [判断题]信息系统账号密码应定期修改、密码强度8 位以上+数字、字母、特殊字符2 种以上混合。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]进入国铁线路运行的自备车,须经铁道部主管部门批准,并符合《铁路技术管理规程》有关车辆的技术和限界要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]操作绝缘斗臂车回转机构回转时,工作斗外缘的线速度不应()。
A. 大于0.5m/s B. 小于0.5m/s C. 大于0.1m/s D. 小于0.1m/s 我来回答: 提交