Passage 3 Secured loans involve the pledge of specific collateral. An example is a loan that is secured by a chattel mortgage on an automobile or some other form of personal property. Pledged collateral for secured loans may consist of a variety of assets such as real estate, warehouse receipts, accounts receivable, plants and equipment, trust receipts, negotiable bills of lading, oil runs, corporate stocks, and bonds. The basic requirement of such assets is marketability. The main reason for requesting that a loan be secured is to reduce the bank’s risk of loss in the event the borrower is unwilling or unable to repay the loan at maturity. Security does not assure that the loan will be repaid; however, it does reduce the risk, since the hank becomes a preferred creditor in the event of liquidation, and takes precedence over general cre A. increase the risk of lending B. reduce the risk of lending C. increase the availability of credit facility D. set up the credit record of borrowers [单选题]文明吸烟环境建设设施设备采购,与供应商签订的采购合同或协议,合同约定预留质量保证金的,质量保证金的预留比例不低于3%,质保时间应在( )年以上。验收合格、达到质保时间后,质量符合要求的,质保金退还给供应商。
A.半年 B.一年 C.两年 D.三年 [单选题]下列文学常识表述不正确的一项是( )
A.《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集,共收录从西周初年到春秋中叶的诗歌305篇。 B.《边城》是现代作家沈从文的作品,作品以景物、风俗描写为主,具有散文化倾向。 C.《左传》是我国第一部叙事详细的编年史著作,相传为春秋末年史官司马迁所作。 D.莎士比亚是英国伟大的戏剧家,代表作有《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《李尔王》等。 [单选题]以下选项中,属于现金流入的是
A.保险费 B.固定资产投资 C.股东投资 D.水电费 [判断题]桁架的受压腹杆,当其内力小于或者等于其承受能力的50%时,容许长细比可取为200。
[单选题] 以下所列的安全责任中,( )不是动火工作负责人的安全责任。 (1.0分)
A. 检修工作的必要性。 B. 向有关人员布置动火工作,交待防火安全措施,进行安全教育。 C. 负责办理动火工作票开工和终结手续。 D. 动火工作间断、终结时检查现场有无残留火种。 [单选题]牵引电杆上山时,爬山路线两侧()以内,不准有人停留或通过。
A.2米 B.3米 C.4米 D.5米 [单项选择]Are you worried by the rising crime rate If you are, then you probably know that your house, possessions and person are increasingly in danger of suffering from the tremendous rise in the cases of burglary and assault.
Figures indicate an ever-increasing crime rate but it is only too easy to imagine "It will never happen to me. " Unfortunately, statistics show that it really can happen to you and, if you live in a large city, you run twice the risk of being a victim. Fortunately, there is something definite which you can do. Protect Alarms can help to protect our house with a burglar alarm system which is effective, simple to operate and easily affordable. You must remember that possessing a burglar alarm is no indication that your house is packed with valuable possessions. It quite simply indicates to unwelcome visitors that yours is one house they will not break into so easily as they carry on to an unprotected house where their job is made a lot easier. A. more burglars are being caught than ever before B. people have more possessions to worry about nowadays C. burglars are more at risk than they used to be D. homes are more likely to be broken into than before [单选题]王某经营一家手机店,他用手机店的名称建立了一个微信群。付某在微信群里向王某预订了一部手机,支付了300元的定金。之后,王某将该手机卖给了他人,并主动退还了定金。付某不接受,赶到王某实体店对其进行殴打。民警小张接报警后,赶到现场。民警恰当的做法是:
A.要求王某解散微信群 B.对双方纠纷进行调解 C.责令王某在纠纷解决前停止营业 D.要求付某当场赔偿王某的经济损失 [判断题]主张学习的目的在于以发现学习的方式、使学科的基本结构转变为学生头脑中的认知结构的心理学家为布鲁纳。( )
A.同业拆借 B.同业存款 C.同业借款 D.同业代付 [判断题]管式换热器的伸出管板孔两端可以不一致。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在工程预付款的结算中,确定预付备料款限额的主要因素是()。
A. 主要材料占工程造价比重 B. 年度承包工程总值 C. 材料储备期 D. 预付及已结算工程价款 E. 施工工期 [单选题]在股权投资基金尽职调查工作中,二手资料收集的第一步是( )。
A.资料筛选 B.资料整理 C.寻找信息源 D.辨别所需的信息 [单选题]静态检查线路时,弦线长度应大于( )m。
A.10 B.20 C.30 D.40 [名词解释]土壤微生物形态类型
A. 动力 B. 重要手段 C. 首要条件 D. 以上都不是 [填空题]浓硫酸流量( ) (总电流70KA~100 KA)
[单选题]小儿出生时存在,以后永不消失的神经反射是( )
A.觅食反射 B.握持反射 C.吸吮反射 D.吞咽反射 [判断题] 研究设计在制定和实施的过程中,要遵循科学性原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]BY02CG022174电力变压器中的铁芯接地属于( )
A.工作接地 B.防静电接地 C.防雷接地 D.保护接地 [多项选择]依据《职业病防治法》的规定,职业卫生技术服务机构和医疗卫生机构有违反本法规定的行为,分别给予( )的行政处罚。
A. 罚款 B. 警告 C. 责令立即停止违法行为 D. 取消其相应资格 E. 没收违法所得 [单选题]大队多长时间召开一次安全形势分析会()。
A.每季度 B.每月 C.每半月 D.每周 [填空题]PMS425曳引机整定时曳引轮转动大约()周,方向为()时针;
A. 质量空速比体积空速更准确 B. 体积空速比质量空速更准确 C. 质量空速反映液体进料 D. 计算选用单位不一样 [多选题]根据《劳动人事争议仲裁办案规则》,当事人申请审查调解协议,应当向仲裁委员会提交的材料包括:( )。
A.仲裁审查申请书 B.调解协议 C.资格证明 D.其他与调解协议相关的证明材料 [简答题]什么是仪器的干扰和抑制?抑制的任务和手段是什么?
A. 木材 B. 竹材 C. 钢管 D. 钢筋 E. 安全网 [单项选择]冷球蛋白是指温度低于多少时易自发沉淀,加温后又可溶解的免疫球蛋白()
A. 30℃ B. 40℃ C. 25℃ D. 35℃ E. 20℃ [单项选择]Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
A. At the department store. B. At the office. C. In the restaurant. D. in the drug store. [单选题]药物通过血液循环向组织转移过程中相关的因素是
A.给药时间 B.血浆蛋白结合 C.溶解度 D.给药途径 E.制剂类型 [单项选择]颗粒细胞瘤
A. 放疗敏感 B. 分泌雌激素 C. AFP高 D. HCG(+) E. 甲亢 [单选题]计量自动化终端正常工作,但信号只有1-2格不可能是因为( )。
A.偏远山区 B.通信参数错误 C.天线损坏 D.铁箱子信号屏蔽 [单选题]煤矿特种作业人员考试合格的,考核发证部门应当自考试合格之日起( ) 工作日内完成发证工作。
A.十个 B.十五个 C.二十个 我来回答: 提交