Three men got to Dover station a few
minutes after nine o’clock one evening. They asked a guard, "What time is the
next train for London " The guard said, "You’ve just missed one. A train goes every hour. The next one is at ten o’clock.: "That’s all right," they said, "We’ll go and have a drink." So off they went to a bar (酒吧间). A minute or two after ten o’clock they came running and asked the guard, "Has the train gone " "Yes," the guard said. "It went at ten, as I told you. The next one is at eleven o’clock." "That’s all right," they said again. "We’ll go and have another drink." So they went back to the bar. They missed the eleven o’clock train in the same way. Then the guard said, "Now, the next train is the last one. If you miss that train, you won’t get to Lon A. once B. twice C. three times D. four times [单选题]配电线路和设备的高压试验应填用( )。在同一电气连接部分,许可高压试验工作票前,应将已许可的检修工作票全部收回,禁止再许可第二张工作票。
A.高压试验工作票 B.配电第一种工作票 C.配电第二种工作票 D.带电作业工作票。 [单项选择]在国际贸易中,就卖方承担的风险而言()
A. FOB比CFR大 B. CFR比FOB大 C. FOB与CFR相同 D. 视具体情况而言 [单选题]加强领导班子建设,提高领导干部素质,是推进党的建设新的伟大工程的( )。
A.基础所在 B.重要一环 C.关键所在 D.根本所在 [单项选择]倾翻运输车行走可以从()个操作箱上进行操作。
A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]被许可人以欺骗、贿赂等不正当手段取得行政许可的,行政机关应当依法给予行政处罚;取得的行政许可属于直接关系公共安全、人身健康、生命财产安全事项的,申请人在(D)内不得再次申请该行政许可;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。( )
A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 5年 D. 3年 [判断题]对当事人的同一违法行为,不得给予两次以上罚款的行政处罚。( )
[单选题]4号线蓝色的进路箭头表示( )。
A.MAU进路预留 B.人工列车授权 C.移动授权 D.禁止进路 [判断题]现货价格高于期货价格的状态属于正向市场。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交